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Almost got to stomp a Ferrari last night


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My cars suck
Jul 24, 2001
I organized a little cruise in with some buddies, and while we were moving to another location, a Ferrari (red, not sure what kind330 something?) pulls up next to me. We got the red light, and I have about 10 of the fastest cars in town behind me at the light. How awesome would that be? But he wouldn't bite. I would have torn him up bad! Oh well, at least he backed down. All my buddies laughed at him when they passed him. Yuppies.:rolleyes:

Almost got to??
Is that anything like "almost pregnant"???
I guess I should have said "Would have got to, if he wasn't a pansy". He had his woman with him too. thats always fun, embarrasing guys in front of the old lady. Then she can ask why that old buick was faster than his Ferrari! I was just happy I got some cars out. This town used to have a big street race scene, but not any more. I few guys will run, not with me though. the only guys who will race me are bikes, which frankly, make me nervous. Theres a lot of 9 second street bikes here, not looking to be a victim.

We had a good race setup with my buddies 5 second 1/8 mile chevelle and a bike, but the kid backed out when he really took a serious look at the car, with the 'chute on the back. Had him willing to bet $1000, would have been nice for my friend, he just got laid off. Its gettin' cold here, probably the end of our sorry a$$ little scene anyway. sigh, winter sucks.:(