I was replacing my thermostat, thinking it was a 180. After putting it back together I noticed a leak. I use a very thin smear of "right stuff" I have never had a leak after using this stuff Back for another gasket.
But I did notice a loose -broken wire from the two wire alt. I the plugs at the white two wire were both loose .I may have mixed them up. One is white, red is the other color. It seems I must have spliced the red one to extend it. But I cannot find a broken lead anywhere that it might lead to. I tightened the batt cable down sums and it fired just fine, The spark looked good on the three SP wires the ware disconnected. I was impressed at the amount of spark'
Thanks for helping . I can barley use flashlight batteries.
PS If you wouldn't mind take a look a a PL run IN the scan tool section.... AM I getting anywhere? http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/scan-tool-tech/322254-am-i-cetting-closer-my.html
The more people IC their HA Car The more I Like Mine. I would op fore rarity, against belly button cars any day
Mart Urbanski
But I did notice a loose -broken wire from the two wire alt. I the plugs at the white two wire were both loose .I may have mixed them up. One is white, red is the other color. It seems I must have spliced the red one to extend it. But I cannot find a broken lead anywhere that it might lead to. I tightened the batt cable down sums and it fired just fine, The spark looked good on the three SP wires the ware disconnected. I was impressed at the amount of spark'
Thanks for helping . I can barley use flashlight batteries.
PS If you wouldn't mind take a look a a PL run IN the scan tool section.... AM I getting anywhere? http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/scan-tool-tech/322254-am-i-cetting-closer-my.html
The more people IC their HA Car The more I Like Mine. I would op fore rarity, against belly button cars any day
Mart Urbanski