The alternator should not be pegging, check the charging system. When my Battery lamp, alternator and charging system failed through the years the car would run fine until the battery got below 11 v and then sputter and stall about 35 seconds later.
It's pegging, because my voltmeter is set on a 9 volt scale. So since I'm told it should be putting about about 14.5 volts, it should peg high on the meter since it's set to a 9V scale.
But...I am getting suspicious about the alternator. I'm going to tow it to Advanced Auto Parts tomorrow. I think they can test the alternator on the car (easier to tow it than remove the alt.). I have to eliminate the question of whether the alternator is goofin' on me. I know it's producing a charge, but maybe it's putting out some crap too? I don't even know what that means, but I just want to check the health of the alternator (and the battery as well).