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Alzheimer disease.


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2005
Sorry for the heavy topic but a recent visit to a dear friends dad had such a profound affect on me, just wanted to share a little and invite any of you who might be going thru this hell to share your story too, but I do hope its nothing but crickets after this post.

I've known this gentleman for 25 years, he raised a beautiful family, kept a beautiful home, ran a cleaning /maintenance buisness, had a real clean older vette, a summer home up in Maine & all along was just a down to earth, happy, kind simple man. I would consider myself succesful to be 25% this guy is.

In 2007 at the young age of 54 he began showing early symptoms. Five years later at 59 he was commited to an alzheimers nursing home wich is where I visited with him over the weekend. I didn't know what to expect but quickly realized when I approached him in his chair (alarmed so as not to wonder away) for a hand shake and was met with just a kind of glazed over look. My friend (his daughter) & I sat with him and the other patients in the community room, the staff started seving dinner (slop) and I said screw this i went out and got him his favorite fish and chips from tbe 99 restaurant wich his daughter served him in small bites, he seemed to really enjoy
it as he would close his eyes and chew slowly, then quickly look for more.

I observed a table of four feisty old ladies all kind of grinning and I remarked to my friend it looks like they're ready to start a food fight, to my surprise he stopped chewing and started laughing softly, it was the highlight of the day to see him smile!

As I looked around the room I realized these were folks who likely worked hard and loved harder for ......this. Suffice it to say many of the "life or death" moments in my day/week/month are officially in the petty column. I recall reading Dennis Kirbans old grand news mailings in my twenties and he would often write enjoy your car while you can rather than let it sit, it will only become something to be sold off after your dead or disabled, those words ring a little more true now.

I dont know how to attach a photo but a I made a pic of Richard and his daughter my avatar..
Sorry for the heavy topic but a recent visit to a dear friends dad had such a profound affect on me, just wanted to share a little and invite any of you who might be going thru this hell to share your story too, but I do hope its nothing but crickets after this post.

I've known this gentleman for 25 years, he raised a beautiful family, kept a beautiful home, ran a cleaning /maintenance buisness, had a real clean older vette, a summer home up in Maine & all along was just a down to earth, happy, kind simple man. I would consider myself succesful to be 25% this guy is.

In 2007 at the young age of 54 he began showing early symptoms. Five years later at 59 he was commited to an alzheimers nursing home wich is where I visited with him over the weekend. I didn't know what to expect but quickly realized when I approached him in his chair (alarmed so as not to wonder away) for a hand shake and was met with just a kind of glazed over look. My friend (his daughter) & I sat with him and the other patients in the community room, the staff started seving dinner (slop) and I said screw this i went out and got him his favorite fish and chips from tbe 99 restaurant wich his daughter served him in small bites, he seemed to really enjoy
it as he would close his eyes and chew slowly, then quickly look for more.

I observed a table of four feisty old ladies all kind of grinning and I remarked to my friend it looks like they're ready to start a food fight, to my surprise he stopped chewing and started laughing softly, it was the highlight of the day to see him smile!

As I looked around the room I realized these were folks who likely worked hard and loved harder for ......this. Suffice it to say many of the "life or death" moments in my day/week/month are officially in the petty column. I recall reading Dennis Kirbans old grand news mailings in my twenties and he would often write enjoy your car while you can rather than let it sit, it will only become something to be sold off after your dead or disabled, those words ring a little more true now.

I dont know how to attach a photo but a I made a pic of Richard and his daughter my avatar..
My grandmother had it... now my mother shows symptoms. It is to say the least... heartbreaking.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
One of my best friend's mom had it. Slowly got worse and a lot of her family stopped going to see her because she wasn't very active or responsive anymore, but her husband saw her often. Well he got sick and died rather unexpectedly. She went downhill and died one week later. A lot of people got a rude awakening about what an Alzheimer's patient might know is going on but just can't convey outwardly.
Thank you for your replies, heart goes out to you guys dealing with this or have in the past. Tough pill to swallow to see someone so good at life have to end up like this, gonna look into donating to the cause/cure.
Sent this thread to his daughter & she was touched, thanks again..
Your story made me cry a lot of tears..........I'm pretty sure my sick Mom has's in the beginning stage, and it hurts my heart so bad to see her this way......among the cruelest disease ever, and it's devastating......I'm glad you are a compassionate person.....God be with you and your friend......I know it's not easy for you........

Bruce '87 Grand National
That's very early to have Alzheimer's. Very sad to watch someone slowly loose themselves to this disease.
Your story made me cry a lot of tears..........I'm pretty sure my sick Mom has's in the beginning stage, and it hurts my heart so bad to see her this way......among the cruelest disease ever, and it's devastating......I'm glad you are a compassionate person.....God be with you and your friend......I know it's not easy for you........

Bruce '87 Grand National
Thanks Bruce & sorry to hear about your mom, you seem like such a good guy & your support for your mom will no doubt bring her comfort even when she cant let you know as mentioned above by ineedagn .. same well wishes right back at you
Thanks Bruce & sorry to hear about your mom, you seem like such a good guy & your support for your mom will no doubt bring her comfort even when she cant let you know as mentioned above by ineedagn .. same well wishes right back at you

Your response here touched my heart.....some more tears also....I so much appreciate what you said to're a good person....thanks, I needed your words you've said today....means a lot to me....God bless you and your family, my friend. I mean that. Thank you so kindly. Keep going to see your good are truly a blessing to him, though he may not know it, but, maybe he does....just keep seeing'll never regret it.....again, Bless you.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Your story made me cry a lot of tears..........I'm pretty sure my sick Mom has's in the beginning stage, and it hurts my heart so bad to see her this way......among the cruelest disease ever, and it's devastating......I'm glad you are a compassionate person.....God be with you and your friend......I know it's not easy for you........

Bruce '87 Grand National
Thanks Bruce & sorry to hear about your mom, you seem like such a good guy & your support for your mom will no doubt bring her comfort even when she cant let you know as mentioned above by ineedagn .. same well wishes right back at you
That's very early to have Alzheimer's. Very sad to watch someone slowly loose themselves to this disease.
Hes way too young Pronto, shitty to see him like this knowing what he would be doing with his life .. just a good guy
Wow guys extremely nice to see you guys get together over something like this that's great,some times where you least expected comes the inspiring words you needed great to see people in this forum get together like brothers for a good cause and not fighting over a vendor tardiness. My dad has this disease and it has been extremely tough to see him get worst and worst over the years and the load of work on my poor mom OMG.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Wow guys extremely nice to see you guys get together over something like this that's great,some times where you least expected comes the inspiring words you needed great to see people in this forum get together like brothers for a good cause and not fighting over a vendor tardiness. My dad has this disease and it has been extremely tough to see him get worst and worst over the years and the load of work on my poor mom OMG.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

We get together on this because we are all brothers in need of comfort in serious and sad times of our helps just to share with others, so we know we are not alone this.........especially when dealing with a horrible disease, such as your Dad had. I do feel bad for both you and your IS so tough to deal with.....I still don't know why innocent people are afflicted with something like this.....will be one of the first questions I'll ask the Lord IF I make it up there. (hopefully in my '87 Grand National) But, God Bless you and your family.

Bruce '87 Grand National
We get together on this because we are all brothers in need of comfort in serious and sad times of our helps just to share with others, so we know we are not alone this.........especially when dealing with a horrible disease, such as your Dad had. I do feel bad for both you and your IS so tough to deal with.....I still don't know why innocent people are afflicted with something like this.....will be one of the first questions I'll ask the Lord IF I make it up there. (hopefully in my '87 Grand National) But, God Bless you and your family.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Are you taking your GN with you Bruce?I will if it's allowed and I'll probably haunt this board also!!:cool:
I hope heaven holds something better than 1980's gm products. Then again, I'm probably not heading that direction anyway.

What if YOUR heaven, and MY hell, are actually the same place?
Deep thoughts, by Jack Handy
Saw on the news actor Seth Rogan sat in front of congress and grilled them for not making the disease more of a priority .. pretty cool