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amish intemidation


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Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
tonight me and some friends went down to the local ricer hang outs and started walking around this import "car show" dressed in full amish attire beard and all, short one at that but i still had a beard!!! just for kicks i braught along the electra and parked the gn in one of the car wash stalls so we fit the part. after a few mins of walking around trying not to laugh and trying my best to keep up the amish talk i came accross this crx that just pulled in it looked promising (some of my friends know him but i dont personally) so i approched the guy while my friends were polishing up the electra in the back ground.

Me- Hello there, brother. how are you today?
Me- this is my first time at a C-a-r show, my sect frowns apon fancey automobiles.
Ricer- what ever, what do you want?
Me-i just wanted to speak with you about your car brother
Ricer- its the shiznits (sp) ive got a chip and a custon intake with custom pipes (he named a bunch of other crap i had no idea what he was talken about like a momo somethen or another)
Me- so you have a turbo charger? (yes i know i sliped out of character)
Ricer- ive got one, my mechanic over there will be puting it on in a week or so (pointing at some scrawney skater looking guy in his early 20s)
Ricer- what would you know about turbo chagers any way?
Me- not much brother ive just got one in my buick
Ricer- what buick?
Me- i pointed over my sholder in the general area of the gn and electra but all he seen was the electra with some amish people cleaning it
Ricer- (jokeing said) do you want to race that while trying to keep a stright face.
Me- well ive never raced a car before, is it much like racing buggys?
Ricer- ok farmer brown go get your car and pull it over here
Me- sure thing brother

my friends said he looked kind of puzzled when i pulled the helmet and can of race gas out of the back of the electra and walked in to the stall, when i backed the gn out of the stall, dump open and the smell of race gas floating around in the air all i could see was him with a look like this :eek: on his face :D

Me- whats wrong brother?
Ricer- ive seen that car around before your no amish
Me- did you drive by my church?
Ricer- BS man im not Racing THAT THING ive seen you take off up a street before
Me- i can assure you brother you have not seen that car take off fast, were simple people we frown apon fancey cars, see i dont even have any chrome or stickers
Ricer- your full of ****, im out of here $%^&*er

around this time a crowd started to gather around us egging on a race but the cracker called me some name under his breath and drove off. i tryed alittle more that night but i wasent foolen any one else. next time i do it im keepen my dump closed and try my best not to freak them out before the race, i want a good video of a amish guy kicken a ricers ass.
LMAO, that is freaking hilarious, we are so going to do that here or when we take our cars out of town. Thanks for the idea.

What were you doing dressed up like an Amish person? Where are you from?
damn funny

ahh, reminds me of an attempt at a race with a '98 SS Camar-slo. guy got scared when he heard the Monte fire up and his friends told him it went 12's on the motor naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs.

excellent story another!
Originally posted by equalizer442

Me- whats wrong brother?
Ricer- ive seen that car around before your no amish
Me- did you drive by my church?
Ricer- BS man im not Racing THAT THING ive seen you take off up a street before
Me- i can assure you brother you have not seen that car take off fast, were simple people we frown apon fancey cars, see i dont even have any chrome or stickers
Ricer- your full of ****, im out of here $%^&*er

The way he was mouthing-off you should have opened up a good old-fashioned can of Amish whoop-ass on him. Or since it Amish, it would probably have to be a mason jar of Whoop-ass.
What were you doing dressed up like an Amish person? Where are you from?

well i was working on this amish faimlys car a few weeks ago, a striped down plane jane buick and i had the idea, what if. i dreamed about it for a week or two and went to a thrift store the other day and found some rags that pretty much fit the part, im from roanoke btw

Did you really do that and if so how the hell do you keep a straight face? ROFLMAO

yeah i did it and lets just say i have a sore toung today, i nearly bet it in half.
You need to video tape it next time......kick some butt....then put it up here for our enjoyment.:D
Man that was the best! i'm dying here!:D wish i was there.
i think i need to try that here in the ricers capital of the world.
(san diego) but is there such thing as a hawaiin amish?:confused:
Great story but I have to call it like it is BS. Because amish do not use cars.Only horse and buggys.Some morman sects and others who dress like the amish use cars but no amish.It is against there religious beliefs! Great story though it put a smile on my face just thinking about it.
LOL @ that story...why can't i be that creative...that is hilarious...

"is it like racing buggy's?"

Great story but I have to call it like it is BS. Because amish do not use cars.Only horse and buggys.

truth is, im no amish. i was just dressed like a amish, morman, german babstist, ect. as part of the act.
Originally posted by equalizer442
well i was working on this amish faimlys car a few weeks ago, a striped down plane jane buick and i had the idea, what if. i dreamed about it for a week or two and went to a thrift store the other day and found some rags that pretty much fit the part, im from roanoke btw

yeah i did it and lets just say i have a sore toung today, i nearly bet it in half.
You said you were working on an amish familys car a few weeks ago and that is how you got the idea.See you're qoute above.Impossable since amish use horse and buggy only.Or am I missing something????
Originally posted by onefastjackass
You said you were working on an amish familys car a few weeks ago and that is how you got the idea.See you're qoute above.Impossable since amish use horse and buggy only.Or am I missing something????
amish use horse and buggy, mennonites use cars..usually black and able to haul alot of peole(not haul ass like a gn) lol. :D basically the same lifestyle lol.

and newer amish people do drive cars for stuff these days, jsut are still self efficient.
You said you were working on an amish familys car a few weeks ago and that is how you got the idea.See you're qoute above.Impossable since amish use horse and buggy only.Or am I missing something????

it all depends on how strict there sect is. what research ive done in the last week or so they allow there kids to get a taste of worldleyness (sp) by letting them instal radios in there buggys or get plain, usually black cars. they get to do that for a year and then they have a choice of giving the car or radio up and stay with the faimly or leave the home and experiance the world in there own way. so technically some amish kid some where might actully be driving around a stock gn but i seariously doubt it.

btw if it aint sunk in yeat im NOT AMISH, hell a week ago i was spelling it omish so im no expert on the subject i just know what ive found in the last week. the whole thing was a "joke" to "pick on" some local "ricers"
i think next time im gona use one of my cuzs outfits (hes a preacher) and get 3 hot chicks to dress up as nuns and ride around with me. only problem is getting the nun outfits because i KNOW goodwill aint gona have them.
It sunk in the first time I looked at it.My point was simply that you couldn't have been working on an amish familys car because they don't have any.
If you noticed I even liked you're story it made me laugh.

I just wanted to straighten out the thought that the amish drive cars.

I'm not trying to put you down or anything.I loved you're story and I hope you keep on posting them.
I find it hillarious that people are arguing about if Amish drive cars! :D Truth is, some dumb ricer isn't going to know.

As a side note did you know the Amish let their children do basically anything they want when they hit maturity. It's up to them to choose the Amish way. They get to experience society and all of the evils associated with it. They get drugs, women, and sex all with the approval of their parents. Then most of them end up choosing the Amish way.

Originally posted by bishir
I find it hillarious that people are arguing about if Amish drive cars! :D Truth is, some dumb ricer isn't going to know.

You're right! My fault!Shouldn't have said anything.Funny story though isn't it?? :D