Amp Under Front Seat?


Let the Boost begin!
May 31, 2001
Has anyone installed an amp under the passenger seat to power the front speakers? I'd like to do this to save all the wire runs to the trunk. Also, the factory concert sound II system has the door speakers wired in parallel with the dash speakers. This makes the impedence of the front speakers 2 ohms. Are you guys having any problems with power amps driving this load? OR are you separating the dash speakers from the door speakers? Thanks for any replies.
I don't know of an amp that won't handle a 2ohm stereo load, so you should be fine on that. As far as the under seat mount....i dunno never tried it.
I put many amps under there, if you want to put an amp there which amp? But you're limited in space. And as for the stock concert system I believe that the fronts are "not" at a 2 ohm load, if it were the stock deck would had burned out a long time ago.
Factory GM speakers are usually 10 ohms. Sometimes the ohm ratting is stamped on the back of their speakers. That's one of the reasons why if you install an aftermarket radio using the stock speakers and them change to aftermarket speakers the system sounds so much better. The correct ohm load allows the radio to play to it's full potential.
"And as for the stock concert system I believe that the fronts are "not" at a 2 ohm load, if it were the stock deck would had burned out a long time ago"

TurboV6 - Let's clarify this one as you're only partially right. The factory concert sound system definitely parallels the door speakers with the dash speakers. If you check the factory wiring manuals and then look at the connectors behind the dash, you'll find that the two sets of speakers are run from the same output on the radio. On the other hand, the factory speakers were 10 Ohm (or was it 8 ohm?) impedence so the resulting impedence was either 4 or 5 ohms making it OK for the factory radio to drive. But, if we were to put aftermarket speakers of the 4 Ohm type in both the dash and doors, this would be a real stress on the factory radio and would probably burn it up. I just discovered that my 9 year old Sony CD receiver has been driving a pair of Sony 4 ohm dash speakers as well as the original factory Concert Sound door speakers ever since the previous owner installed it. This represents about a 3+ ohm load to the head unit and it's still cooking after all these years. Go figure.
Originally posted by Rayk

TurboV6 - Let's clarify this one as you're only partially right. Go figure.

Dude you original post did not "stated" aftermarket speakers. SO partially right? And ir you replaced the factory dash and left the the oringinal door speaker and assume its 10 ohms, the impedance should be around 6ohms. How did you get 3ohms? Go figure?

4ohm speaker paralell with another 4ohm speakers makes 2ohms.
10ohms speraker paralell with another 10ohm speaker makes 6ohms.
TurboV6. Sorry, but you are wrong.

10 and 10 in parallel is 5ohms

4 and 10 paralleled is 2.86 or ~3 ohms, which is what he said.

Parallel: 1/Req=1/R1+1/R2+....+1/Rn or (R1*R2)/(R1+R2)

Series: Req = R1+R2+...+Rn
Originally posted by mcss383
TurboV6. Sorry, but you are wrong.

10 and 10 in parallel is 5ohms

4 and 10 paralleled is 2.86 or ~3 ohms, which is what he said.

Parallel: 1/Req=1/R1+1/R2+....+1/Rn or (R1*R2)/(R1+R2)

Series: Req = R1+R2+...+Rn

Well sorry if i'm wrong :D

Those terms are too hard for me I don't under stand that :D

I think i'm getting rusty but you shure i'm wrong? :eek:
TurboV6 - I guess my reply to your post kind of ruffeled your feathers a bit. I'm sorry if that's the case but I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know what you were talking about. Just wanted to clarify for everyones benefit why the original factory speakers could drive both dash and door speakers without any problems. Also that it would not be advisable to just replace the factory speakers with aftermarket 4 ohm types unless one also replaced the receiver (or amp) with one that would be stable with a 2 ohm load. Sorry if my post seemed like a flame. I didn't intend it that way.

Please forgive me if I must correct your last statement: Two 10 ohm resistors in parallel equals 5 ohms, not 6 ohms. Two identical resistors in parrallel always equal 1/2 of the value of one resistor. :cool:
Originally posted by TurboV6

Well sorry if i'm wrong :D

Those terms are too hard for me I don't under stand that :D

I think i'm getting rusty but you shure i'm wrong? :eek:

So, now that we've got the impedence issue worked out, can I assume it's OK to mount an amp under the front seat to drive the front speakers as long as it is stable under 2 Ohm loads?

Also, is it advisable to install a base blocker capacitor in front of the dash speakers? The amp I'm thinking of using is an old 30 watt Acoustic without crossover circuits. Or, should I just bite the bullit and buy a new amp with built-in crossovers? Thanks for the opinions, guys.
active crossovers internal to the amp are much better, but the capacitor will help.
I replaced all the speakers in the car but maintained the factory harness and wiring to a Sony head unit. So I guess my door speakers and dash speakers are in parallel.

Is this bad? Should I change them around? Now is the time to do it since I am putting in an amp to drive just the rears. Any thoughts?

TIA, Bob
If you replaced the original speakers with aftermarket ones then presumably you are running two 4 ohm speakers in parallel from your Sony head unit's front amp. Does it sound OK? Probably should either separate the speakers or put a separate amp between the Sony and the front speakers IMHO.
If you have bass blockers to the 3 1/2" speakers or the front amplifier is not running full range perhaps rolled off at 80 or so Hz the apparent load to the amplifier will not be as great and shouldn't hurt you. :)
IMHO i'd just take the dash speakers out if they are aftermarket. More is not always better, and the door speakers cover the same sound spectrum that your dash speakers do, plus some lower. Unhook your dash speakers for a while and see if you like how it sounds, i personally prefer to be without them, the ruin the soundstage.
Surprise, Surprise! I just pulled out the 5.25" concert sound II speakers today and they are 4 ohm speakers. This means that my 8 year old Sony CD Receiver has been driving 2 4 ohm speakers on each side all along with no adverse effects! I presume that the door speakers are the originals as they have the factory pig tail and are labeled Delco Electronics p/n 16054454 - 4 Ohm. They also have poly cones and rubber surrounds and are in really good shape. They have no tweeters, however. Can anyone verify that they have also seen these speakers come out of the doors?