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another alky install question


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Boost junkie
Jun 4, 2007
Ok, started install, just mounted up all the hardware....

Now, I stopped because of this:


I'm guessing I need a 3 bar map sensor? What's the green wiring harness that's not plugged into anything?

I have a T-type with digital dash if that helps...

and ignore my temporary tan wiring mess there;)
The green harness is what plugs into the 3 bar map. It should have been included in the kit. You'll have to run your vacuum line from the hobbs switch to the new 3 bar, unless you want to tee it off so you can still run the boost LEDs on your digital dash. Analog dash cars have the opposite under the hood, the stock vacuum line goes to a two bar map for the boost gauge, and the other plug which plugs into the hobbs type switch is left not plugged into anything.
And you'll have to wire the 5v to the gray and ground to the black.

Who did you get the kit from that didnt supply the 3 bar?
I'm sure the three bar is there, I just stopped because I was confused. I have all the electrical stuff in a bag, not yet opened. I'm having a friend who is better at electrical stuff help me with that part here in the next couple days. Thanks for the info, it cleared stuff up for me! I'm going to finish it up tomorrow...
apparently I didn't get it with my kit. Looks like I get to make some more calls....

Thanks for the help guys...
The plug is on your Buick. There is no plug with the kit. You get the factory plug.. and plug it into the MAP. The issue is wiring the gray and black wires on it.


I see the plug, but with the kit I didnt get the three bar map like I see in the photos of the complete kit online.... I see it in that picture, and pictures of them for sale for around $70 at other sites. Looks like the work is on pause until I get it...

I am excited to get it going though!!!
bringing this one back from the dead....installing my alchy kit and the plug that is supposed to go to the 3 bar map is cut. I found the wires. What are my options.
Easy, call Alkycontrol and purchase a TPS harness. It will come with all the plugs you need and wiring. 25 bucks and 6 for the ship.
Or find the correct keyed weather pack plug, get the weather pack pins and seals, wire the 5v and ground to the ECM, and run your wires.