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Any Deer Hunters?? I know your in here somewhere!!!!


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To start with, you need to move.........:biggrin: And a deer drive is cheating.....not hunting.

And Plowboy has some serious hunting gear......:cool: That is awesome.

I do need to move!!! I cant wait to.. Deer drives are done all over the place.. I hunt on my uncles property and Im the only one who maintains it and etc.. And if their going to be screwing my spot up for the rest of the year, by putting on drives.. Im going to be their weather I want to or not!! They wanna make drives the 3rd week of November when the Rut is still going on here in the east... But I have no say right now bc it isnt my property!!! When I get my own few hundred acres, Ill be able to make all the decisions!!!
i hunt in buffalo county. it seems like after the shooting starts around here the only way to get a deer is on a drive, they lay low untill it's dark then they go out to eat
Bow: Hoyt Vulcan

Gun: haven't hunted guns season in years but I used to use a Thompson contender with a 35 Remington 14" barrel on a bipod. It's not the knd of handgun you want to shoot freehanded. High powered rifles are not allowed in Indiana. To flat and the ground is frozen solid during firearms season.
That's what my TC was before I rechambered, best move I made with that gun . I sent it to SSK Industries and now it shoots heavier bullets faster and more accurate (1/2 moa) :biggrin: Sam
The 35 Remington is very expensive to shoot. It was almost $20 for a box of 20. Makes you want to get it sighted in fast plus it kicks like a mule. Not to easy on the wrists. I was in the stand one day and as the sun came up there was a coyote 150 yards out in the field and it took one shot and he dropped where he stood. That gun was spool much fun. It could reach out there a ways for a pistol. The drawback was that you had to hit the deer in the shoulder and break the bones or it would be fun tracking. It lacks the knockdown power that shotgun has.
Id like to hunt with one of them pistols in the future!!! Just gotta get outta NJ haha
I went out yesterday with a buddy of mine for the muzzle loader opener. The am only produced does and five within 34 yards of stand. Had I been bow hunting I would have flung some arrows but with a gun I was not going to blow my cover in the woods we were hunting (incredible buck woods). The pm produced some movement of the bucks and I even witnessed some chasing which is early here. I flipped the safety off on a real nice 10pt but just could not get myself to shoot it on opening day. He was a good deer scraping the ground and working some trees over just 65 yards away. I guessed him about 140 inches. I really wanted to shoot him but if it’s not big enough to mount why shoot right? The next am moved to another woods and decided we would shoot he first two does that came by then go back later in the week to our bucks only woods for some serous sitting. Day break I had a doe come in early. I could hear it coming but it was just inside legal hours and too tough to see anything. She grazed for a few minutes just yards from my tree and it looked too little to shoot so I sat patiently. As she grazed the sun kept rising and I could see it was a decent deer. The issue was now that it was so close and the chances of me moving and it not spooking was none so I just sat and watched. Before I climbed the tree I placed a few items on the ground that I knew I l would not need for my sit. One item being my gps. This doe could not figure out what it was. She kept sniffing the gps over and over. About five minutes went by and I’m looking down from 25 ft up just waiting for her to bust me. Sun was up enough now to know this was a decent doe so I shot her at 2 yards. I about a half hour later another came through about 50 yards so added it the list. Both are now in the cooler. We are going back with camper for three days later in the week. Temps are to drop and we are going big bucks only. I cant wait.
I will post some pics when i get a chance.
sounds awesome Chadly... Im looking to get out end of this week as well , temps will be getting cooler.!!! I hope I have some success this week and this season... Cant wait for pics!!! Good Luck
Quite a few years ago I was in the stand that my uncle had set up (he was a lefty and I am a righty) the stand was basically in the middle of a deer superhighway. The sun was starting to come up but it just wasn't up enough yet. I hear something approaching from my right and then I see its legs pop out from a small pine tree. By the time I realized it was a deer and not a coyote it was too late, it came into full view. This buck stood there facing straight at me at 20 yards during archery season!!!! It looked like it had a rocking chair on it's head. This was a big body and big rack deer. He stood there for 10-15 minutes facing me on my right side and I can't move to get into position to shoot it. Rocking chair head does an about face on trots off. My cousin a few hundred yard away sees him chasing a does through a field.

A week later a friend of mine that hunts in the adjacent woods pulled into the check in station where we all go to swap the days success and failures. He is in his F-350 and I see four feet on top of the driver side bed rail and a huge rack sticking out above the bed rails. That same rocking chair head walked directly below his stand!!! It was a 17 pt 256 pound and yes that is field dressed 300+ live weight deer. It ended up being the 5th largest deer ever taken in the state of Indiana during archery season. If I could kick my own teeth in I would.
Quite a few years ago I was in the stand that my uncle had set up (he was a lefty and I am a righty) the stand was basically in the middle of a deer superhighway. The sun was starting to come up but it just wasn't up enough yet. I hear something approaching from my right and then I see its legs pop out from a small pine tree. By the time I realized it was a deer and not a coyote it was too late, it came into full view. This buck stood there facing straight at me at 20 yards during archery season!!!! It looked like it had a rocking chair on it's head. This was a big body and big rack deer. He stood there for 10-15 minutes facing me on my right side and I can't move to get into position to shoot it. Rocking chair head does an about face on trots off. My cousin a few hundred yard away sees him chasing a does through a field.

A week later a friend of mine that hunts in the adjacent woods pulled into the check in station where we all go to swap the days success and failures. He is in his F-350 and I see four feet on top of the driver side bed rail and a huge rack sticking out above the bed rails. That same rocking chair head walked directly below his stand!!! It was a 17 pt 256 pound and yes that is field dressed 300+ live weight deer. It ended up being the 5th largest deer ever taken in the state of Indiana during archery season. If I could kick my own teeth in I would.
Damn man thats crazy... Do you know what his rack scored?? If he got it scored?? I mean that sux big time that it didnt happen for ya.. but Id be happy that that a deer of that size graced me with its prescense...I mean these mature deer arnt stupid!! thats why their mature!!! Got any pics of that deer groumoutis???? Great story!!! Sh8tty ending on ur behalf!!
While the temperature was really good for hunting this year’s early muzzle loader seasons it is just too early for the big boys to move. We did witness some bucks chasing doe’s but nothing of any size. We camped for a few days and had the campground almost to ourselves. I did hit one small buck with my truck but he managed to get up and stumble his way back in the woods. We did shoot a few deer for the freezer. Over all it was a lot of fun and we saw a good number of deer just no size. Here a few pictures. I will go out again Sunday evening for the closing of the season.


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nice work chadly!!! I went out last night, didnt see any deer, buncha turkeys... My uncle stuck a small 6 pointer today,,, hadda go help em track it today!!! I will be heading out this afternooon, hope to see some kind of movement!!!
Been hunting everyday for the past 4 days, and hasnt produced 1 deer. And a few jackwagons walking around my stand sites.. The worse start of the season for me yet!! Im hoping this new moon gets the deer on their feet
Once we confirmed the deer activity was slow we backed out of the good woods we hunt. I will wait a week or so then check back. I think the big ones are smart enough to wait until the doe's are ready before the move in day light. The little ones run and chase and waste energy while the doe's are not ready and they never do get any action. The big boys who actually get to mate know when the girls are ready and save their energy for that time. And when the girls are ready watch out for the biggens. They come out in force. Not kidding I bet I saw five different bucks over 160 last year with one being in the 180 range. I drew on him once but he never came close enogh. My wife missed him and we never have seen him since. Save your hunting time for the deer are ready, not when you are ready hunt.
I'm not a bs's ethier. I dont get a big deer every year but I pass on deer that most would shoot. I also hunt more than most do. Here is one passed on last year that layed down by my stand. Here is another I stuck few years ago.


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Once we confirmed the deer activity was slow we backed out of the good woods we hunt. I will wait a week or so then check back. I think the big ones are smart enough to wait until the doe's are ready before the move in day light. The little ones run and chase and waste energy while the doe's are not ready and they never do get any action. The big boys who actually get to mate know when the girls are ready and save their energy for that time. And when the girls are ready watch out for the biggens. They come out in force. Not kidding I bet I saw five different bucks over 160 last year with one being in the 180 range. I drew on him once but he never came close enogh. My wife missed him and we never have seen him since. Save your hunting time for the deer are ready, not when you are ready hunt.
I'm not a bs's ethier. I dont get a big deer every year but I pass on deer that most would shoot. I also hunt more than most do. Here is one passed on last year that layed down by my stand. Here is another I stuck few years ago.
Nicely put!! I been hesitant to move my stands bc of the no action, but I know when that rut comes in, its a totally different ballgame.. And Chadly there are some great deer, Here in NJ the deer you pass, would be great wall hangers. the picture I posted in this thread, Is my biggest whitetail in 16 yrs!! What do I gotta do to hunt with you Chad??
Had an awesome encounter with ( to me a huge deer, a 140" class deer herein NJ) Yesterday morning. It was about 830 am. I just got done doing a series of grunts. 5 minurtes later, I see this mainframe 10 pointer, walking threw the brush. He was walkingright to left, and started going away from me, I grunted at em... here he came, Walking right down the trail i walked in on. This where it goes bad. Hes walking straight towards me, head on. He's only 20 yds away eating acorns. He knew something wasn't right, wind was perfect, BUt he was staring at me, and probly could hear my jaw chattering. He just turnd around and walked away. ... Best encounter I ever had in 16 yrs in the stand!! I hope I can get another chance at em, but its a slim chance, But you never know!!
I normally hunt for meat and use a 30-30, but this year I have decided to try the old ar15 and Im quite impressed with it as a hunting weapon.

I havent got anything yet, but some hogs however going hunting today just waiting on my daughter to get home from school.
Some nice pics posted.... don't have any to post yet from this year, haven't been in the woods... I'm taking leave and heading out to the mid west for opening weekend of firearms to hopefully fill my buck tag later this week. Hope to post some pics of this years harvest, I'm spending 10 days hunting this year instead of the usual 5. My buddies here on the east coast always bust my chops cause I don't hunt local anymore, I've come to the conclusion that the 3 most important things about good hunting are location, location, and location... My back injury just wont allow me to sit 20+ days a season in a tree stand, so a shorter duration out west seems to always deliver better results anyway.

***Waiver: Your experience may differ*** :D

Well, here in WI our gun season opened this last Saturday, the 19th.

The good Lord blessed me with two opportunities, of which I connected on both. Remington 700 .30-06 power baby!:biggrin:


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Also, from the weekend before.... my bow harvest. By far not my biggest, but I'm a meat hunter, not a trophy hunter. And besides, my bow season was a swan song one. I missed two prior to this one, one being a wallhanger:mad:

However, I'm more than happy to harvest any buck with a bow & arrow.


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