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any one on here play soccom


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when you get online go to friends then add a friend. Ill send you a invite so you can see my name on your list and it tells you where im playing.
I've been pondering getting the adapter and Socom 2. How is it online? Lot's of players, Laggy...?
Its not laggy at all. Its actually alot of fun because you can talk to your team.
soccom tip

Hey guys .. if you shoot out the lightbulbs it helps with your "stealth" ability ... I kept being detected and figured out that it helped ... have fun.
I just got the game (the second one) and my network shizz today. Haven't played socom 2 yet, but have played a little XIII online. I'll be sniping people soon. I usually go under the name Connecticut Yankee or some derivation of it.
Now that I've finally started playing it I can't stop. Add CT Yankee to your friends list.:) Anyone else that plays, post your name here please so us Buick people can stick together.
I dont have SOCOM 2 yet but I just got a Net Adapter and the first SOCOM, Im Tommy861 on there if anyone wants to play....