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Anybody watch the Peter Jennings/ABCNEWS special on the JFK assassination?


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It's just a V6 Brick.....
Sep 20, 2001
Well as I said in the thread about the limo I was going to watch it and after watching it I will give you my honest opinion....... IMO it was very convincing that there was no conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed the lone gunman because of the evidence that was shown using modern technology (the computer generated reconstruction of the assassination), as well as Oswald's story, and the various interviews they showed..... There is still a part of me that thinks that there's more to this story than meets the eye, however, it is VERY hard (damn near impossible) to dispute against what they said!!! At least that is the way I see it..... Please share your thoughts and opinions on the JFK assassination and/or this report by the beloved Peter Jennings:):D

Also, here is a link to ABC's website that basically explains what was said/shown on this report........
Originally posted by 86brick
Well as I said in the thread about the limo I was going to watch it and after watching it I will give you my honest opinion....... IMO it was very convincing that there was no conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed the lone gunman because of the evidence that was shown using modern technology (the computer generated reconstruction of the assassination), as well as Oswald's story, and the various interviews they showed..... There is still a part of me that thinks that there's more to this story than meets the eye, however, it is VERY hard (damn near impossible) to dispute against what they said!!! At least that is the way I see it..... Please share your thoughts and opinions on the JFK assassination and/or this report by the beloved Peter Jennings:):D

Also, here is a link to ABC's website that basically explains what was said/shown on this report........

Do you honestly believe PJ?? He has no credibility to me.

All those people taking his side are the ones that think the nation can't handle the truth.

I just started a thread and poll here:

PJ didn't even touch on the evidence the History Channel has proving otherwise.

The final head shot came from the ground.

He never addressed the bullet hole thru the front windshield.
For all the yeahoos PJ has covering it up, there is more that say other-wise. :)

PJ is a far left Liberal AND a BS artist. If he told me a GN was black i'd have to see for myself before believing him.


There was also a special on NPT (public TV) to the otherwise OPOSITE of what PJ was trying to get across aired @ the same time.
Re: Re: Anybody watch the Peter Jennings/ABCNEWS special on the JFK assassination?

Originally posted by buickman69
Do you honestly believe PJ?? He has no credibility to me.

All those people taking his side are the ones that think the nation can't handle the truth.

I just started a thread and poll here:

PJ didn't even touch on the evidence the History Channel has proving otherwise.

The final head shot came from the ground.

He never addressed the bullet hole thru the front windshield.
For all the yeahoos PJ has covering it up, there is more that say other-wise. :)

PJ is a far left Liberal AND a BS artist. If he told me a GN was black i'd have to see for myself before believing him,.

Okay please tell me how in the fock could the final head shot come from the ground!!!:confused: You're right I didn't hear anything about the bullet hole thru the windshield in the report but I thought that was because there wasn't any.......

Maybe I am a simple minded fool that sees things and believes them.......

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Or maybe we will never know the truth behind what happened because in the end how do you know who to believe!!!??
It was a special on the History Channel :

It starts in the 80's and ends recent.

You can order it on video or DVD. It's 6 episodes.

That's where I learned about the windshield, his brain removed before optopsy (spelling) a deaf mute witness from an overpass that was ignored, a army dude that was approached for a assassion mission but when he got the name and found out it was a US citizen he turned it down, 30 years later he learns the guy he was to kill was the video guy from the hospital and was killed not long after he was approached about it, etc, etc.
From the ground there are several sewers with one on the right side of the street just before the grassy knowl(sp). One show stuck a guy in there and he said he couldnt' see a guy standing where one of the shots was fired, I can't remember if they were checking the first or last shot, I'd assume the last. Anyway, he said he couldn't see him and he wouldn't be abel to fit in there with the rifle. My question is who says it had to be a rifle, maybe a scoped handgun, but I don't know if all the rounds were found especially since there's not even an agreement on the total number of rounds fired.

I did like the history channel show where they showed there was plenty of time to get off 3 shots but there's no totally complete time on when the first shot took place except for timing when the car first came into view.

Its all interesting and I imagien theres still more to come over the years.
I saw the show last night, it was a wast of time, there are so many holes in this story I could go on for hours.

I almost died when they said about LHO teaching himself Russian at 15. When they just got done saying he dropped out of school and was very uneducated at 16. How many people do you know that are able to do that, then he learns it so well that after he's out of the military he goes to Russia and he meets his wife who say's "his Russian was so good I thought he was Russian", all self taught.

Not to mention they said the Marines new about him being a communist sympathizer, so what do they do, they give the highest clearence that you can have for his rank.

On and on and on, the wife say's don't even get me started LOL:d
Wow now I feel very stupid to buy into that crap!!!!!

Very good points made by Larry and Steve...... After thinking about it there are a lot of holes in this story as Larry said......
hey 86Brick, And as my wife say's I can go on and on and on don't get me started. LOL

She just saw the head shot for the fist time last night I couldn't belive it I thought every one has seen that. She has still the fram per fram head shot.

I was waiting for some one to bring up the guy on the History channel the other night that has traced the killing to mafia hitmen with plenty of witnesses and full details, names and all.

That was a interesting show.

Any time there is something on about this subject , Roswell, and the Pyramids I eat it up, can't get enough.

I also want to bring up the mystery bullet that was found in the hospital. This same bullet that supposedly had went through JFK's back, and neck, then through Gov. Conleys back, chest, and then stops at his wrist is found on a hopital bed in the hall that no one had been on, and was in pristine shape with little if no distortion.
The real kicker here is first of all every one knows what a bullet looks like if it is shot thrugh and then hits something, ( its mushroomed at least). Then there is the sighting and conversasion between the news paper reporter and who else but Jack Ruby, all in the same area as the hospital bed.

Have you ever seen the show where they shot that same calibar bullet in a tank of water? Its amazing how much it resymbled the H bed bullet

Oh now look what you have done you got me in trouble with the wife. LOL;)

Like I said, on and on and on!
And let's not forget, all our "new technology" was able to "prove" that all our trips to the moon were done in a studio parking lot too...


Anyone interested in a decent documentary, go to the video store and see if they have "The JFK Assissination-The Garrison Tapes". No new technology needed.
There are holes in every theory I've heard. One thing I do know, if it was a conspiracy, there would have to be a large number of people involved in the cover up, spread out amongst several different departments and organisations and would take long term planning, trying to figure out who you can trust to go along and who not to trust, what to do if this happens or if that happens, and how you're going to keep everyone hushed about it. Over 40 years the chances that someone didn't spill the beans seems remote to me unless there's just no beans to spill. On the other hand, if it wasn't a conspiracy, a lot of chips had to just happen to fall in the right places in order to lead up to the moment when the shots were fired. It's an amazing story no matter which way you look at it.
I am still puzzled over how the public still cares about JFK.

He cheated on his wife, his daddy got him elected. And the money that got him elected was made by unethical means.
What's the big deal with JFK? People STILL cry over his death to this day. We have a longtime family friend who gets all broken up over JFK's death almost as much as her own son who died in Vietnam!

The Kennedys were and are a rich, priveledged (sp?) family, nothing more. Nothing wrong with being rich, but this was not
a family of saints. That murderer Ted is STILL in office after all these years.
ABC=Liberal media........means they told us what they wanted to not the truth. As said above there are so many holes in ABC's story you could drive my Suburban thru it:eek: :D
Originally posted by stevemon
I thought it was insane that ABC promoted the theory that Castro was behind this. I think it would be wise to look at LBJ.
My suspicions are based on what I heard from my Mother.
She owned a beauty shop in Oklahoma when all this happened and some of her customers were in the loop with the goings in the LBJ camp. I was told JFK was about to bring Johnson up on charges of corruption & get rid of him so Johnson did what he felt he needed to do. Considering that Hoover hated Kennedy, the mafia had a vested interested in ending the administrations anti organized campaign and that LBJ controlled Dallas, this whole deal was a piece of cake to accomplish and cover up. Sloppy but effective enough for the times.
One last point, while it can happen that a head shot from the rear like they claim can cause the head to go backwards, I'll never buy into the idea that a bullet fired from the rear blew the back of JFKs head off.

A book came out about 10 years ago called " The Texas Connection" by Craig Zirbel This books lists facts and opinions that claims LBJ Was behind the hit. It's the best claim to who did it I seen yet. There are also books out that blame everyone from Marylin Monroe to the white house cook. I wouldn't believe Peter Jennings if he told be the sky was blue;)
i didn't see the abc special but i wasn't surprized to hear that they went the Oswald route, my dad said thats exactly what they would do. Isn't peter jenning from canada anyway :rolleyes: On paper the oswald theory could work for all but one reason, The magic bullet!

Also what about all the people oswald is linked to being in the same circles as, david ferry, jack ruby, etc, etc.... Anyone ever watch the oswald shooting closely, he looks over as if he sees ruby. He knew right then he was gonna get it and he just just turned back straight and kept going.

In the bigger picture it wasn't just coincidence that BOTH kennedy's were killed. LBJ hated them. Bobby if elected in 68 was gonna open up the investigation.
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
In the bigger picture it wasn't just coincidence that BOTH kennedy's were killed. LBJ hated them. Bobby if elected in 68 was gonna open up the investigation.
I've wondered this myself. See how complicated and confusing this whole thing gets? To some it's like a Rubik's cube and they love the challenge of trying to figure it all out.

Man, if Oswald was acting alone he'd die laughing over the HUGE ruckus he's caused for 40 years!!
Originally posted by soonergn

Man, if Oswald was acting alone he'd die laughing over the HUGE ruckus he's caused for 40 years!!
but instead he died with a slug in his belly

There WAS a time when the news was about the news.
The NEWS now is about RATINGS.

So the News is reported/tilted in an effort to improve ratings.

Note the M Jackson, nonsense, it's about ratings, nothing more then. Generating a feeding frenzy before the facts are in, IMO, it's criminal what the NEWS does to people nowadays.

Shoot at about anything you want and the energy is transferred in the direction of the projectile. He was shoot from the front.

Anyone care to guess why there's never been an investigation into where his brain is?. Dodo ought to hit the fan over that, it's was supposed to be available for future study. So that the truth would be accessible.
86 BRICK, don't feel alone. This whole line of garbage the Oswald acted alone has been being sold to the world ever since it all happened. A lot of people think they are saving the public much grief by not letting us know that our government had a successful coup de tant performed by the Vice President and an internal group of operatives from inside the government. Had we been told of this while Johnson was alive, there were serious and plausible fears our government would have collapsed. I was sitting in science class in the 7th grade when it came on the school intercom, we all were totally shocked and everyone started crying. No one was in the mental capacity to handle the facts at the time. That and those in the know, knew better than to say anything to the contrary for fear of how Johnson and his thugs would deal with them.
Some day the whole truth will come out, and it is going to be very close to what the History Channel broadcasted.
The very thing that Peter Jennings and all the major networks do, is try to sell us dis-information to create history as they want it to be. It is why their audiences are shrinking drastically. More and more people are starting to doubt everything they say. Just like that piece of crap CBS was going to put out about Reagan. People got so upset about how totally wrong it was, they had to cancel it.

Originally posted by 2quiktocare
86 BRICK, don't feel alone. This whole line of garbage the Oswald acted alone has been being sold to the world ever since it all happened. A lot of people think they are saving the public much grief by not letting us know that our government had a successful coup de tant performed by the Vice President and an internal group of operatives from inside the government. Had we been told of this while Johnson was alive, there were serious and plausible fears our government would have collapsed. I was sitting in science class in the 7th grade when it came on the school intercom, we all were totally shocked and everyone started crying. No one was in the mental capacity to handle the facts at the time. That and those in the know, knew better than to say anything to the contrary for fear of how Johnson and his thugs would deal with them.
Some day the whole truth will come out, and it is going to be very close to what the History Channel broadcasted.
The very thing that Peter Jennings and all the major networks do, is try to sell us dis-information to create history as they want it to be. It is why their audiences are shrinking drastically. More and more people are starting to doubt everything they say. Just like that piece of crap CBS was going to put out about Reagan. People got so upset about how totally wrong it was, they had to cancel it.


Mark, yeah the whole situation just stinks of deceit! My dad told me that he will probably never live to see the real truth come out, but his hope is that I get to see it..... I can tell you this much.... This is the last time I watch any of that crap and take it to be the truth because there always seems to be another side to the story that "they" (the media) fails to mention!!!

Steve AKA another fan of Peter Jennings:rolleyes: :mad:
lot of people think they are saving the public much grief by not letting us know that our government had a successful coup de tant performed by the Vice President and an internal group of operatives from inside the government.
Actually (according to Jim Garrison) Johnson had no idea of what was going on.

if it was a conspiracy, there would have to be a large number of people involved in the cover up, spread out amongst several different departments and organisations and would take long term planning, trying to figure out who you can trust to go along and who not to trust, what to do if this happens or if that happens, and how you're going to keep everyone hushed about it.

It's easy. Those in "the group" know exactly who could be explicitly trusted. Everyone else was (past tense) expendable. And--with the exception of one guy who's a deaf-mute, every witness was dead before 1992 (and the deaf guy may be dead now for all I know).