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Anyone ever just want to take a match to their car and just walk off? (minor rant)


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Active Member
May 29, 2001
I've got a repair bill coming for this damn car that would go a long ways towards paying for a nice vacation. The vacation I've been waiting for all year (which would have been my first in two years)is now up in smoke because of the bill I'll be paying for that black bucket of bolts that lives in my garage. Hell I don't think my friends with kids spend as much money on them as I do on a friggin car.

After spending 5k for paint after my asswipe neighbor ran into my car now I'm out nearly a grand for a bunch of nickel and dime electrical stuff that all of a sudden adds up to real money. I'm just about ready to use my last 5 gallon can of 110 octane and just light a match to the thing........ :mad:
Many times have I wanted to sell my Ty and get something cheaper on insurance, gas, repairs & upgrades, is easier to work on, runs right all the time...ect.

But then.. there's those rare summer nights when its running awesome & somebody pulls up next to you & says how cool your truck/car is... and you smoke his ass from the light. That makes the other 364 days of the year worth it. :D
Originally posted by TRBON8R
I've got a repair bill coming for this damn car that would go a long ways towards paying for a nice vacation. The vacation I've been waiting for all year (which would have been my first in two years)is now up in smoke because of the bill I'll be paying for that black bucket of bolts that lives in my garage. Hell I don't think my friends with kids spend as much money on them as I do on a friggin car.

After spending 5k for paint after my asswipe neighbor ran into my car now I'm out nearly a grand for a bunch of nickel and dime electrical stuff that all of a sudden adds up to real money. I'm just about ready to use my last 5 gallon can of 110 octane and just light a match to the thing........ :mad:
I know you are just ranting----but you should try to raise 2 children(who are in college and driving(insurance))(OH--did i mention---one was pregnant and we have to support everything involved!!!!!!!!)--while building a new house--and i am only 36!!!!!!---gee---guess thanks for letting me rant also:)
Oh--forgot to mention---the buick is just about done a full rebuild--with some additional nice things done to it

???Vacation??? What's that :confused: All I do is work :D ;)

I feel your pain.........I've got prolly about $5000 tied up in mine, it still looks like something you'd pass in the boneyard, and in a little over a year that I have owned it, I've got about an hour of running drivetime to show for all this.

Dunno about you, but I'm pretty sure I must be crazy :p

As appealing as it may be, think I'd part mine out.........then set what's left on fire :rolleyes: :eek: :D
Present and accounted for!!

I too am ready to light up my ride. A grand in electrical problems? Lemme guess, new caspers harness and everything that goes along with that pain in the ass. I think I'm facing the same thing, and I am ready to run this god damned car off a cliff. Now I'm ranting too, hope your situation works out.
Dude. 4 kids here :eek: , new roof $6k :eek: , credit cards up the wazzo :eek: , mortage :eek: ,
xmas presents:eek: , food $200 a week :eek: Gas for 4 cars :eek:

Life is like that.

I have not taken the wife on a vacation away alone since 1992.

we had a 1982 chebby suburban that gave my dad fits growing up. we put 4 700r4s in the thing, 3 of which were put in while ON VACATION. we replaced the 6.2L diesel with a 350. the list goes on and on that that thing.

one day while my dad was doing something to it my dad came in and said the suburban is on fire (he did this very calm) walked over to the sink got the fire extingisher. then walked slowly back out side. the gas had ran out by that time and the fire was almost out. he put the rest out and said get your moms keys we are gunna need a few things Checker.

the ending to this story is no matter HOW MUCH YOU HATE YOUR CAR IT BECOMES A PART OF YOU. my dad still talks about the big banna (its name is was school bus yellow).

suck it up that is life. we deal with it and move on.

i am sure you feel better after venting though

Hang in there! The easiest thing to be is a fair weather sailor. These cars are so cool when they're running right that you'd regret giving it up (or burning it up). Stay with it and don't let the car win and soon it will be gracing you with the acceleration that we're so used to and so few ever get to experience. I definitely have felt your financial pain! Good luck!

I have seen this happen to lots of guys.
They keep pouring $$ into an endless project.

I know a guy who 8 years ago bought a 67 ragtop GTO in decent shape. He was dead set about making it like factory roll off in 67.
So he took it apart for frame off resto.

Guess what car is still scattered all over his garage.

What did he do when fustrated at time & money spent?

He went out & bought another GTO driver for $6k
He has abandond the 67 because he is having more fun
driving the 66 & racing it.

I am not advocating you dumping your car but maybe
you need to by a driver & have a little fun with it while you iron out theother GN. Just an idea.
I can remember years ago when I bought my first GN. I was 18 and the car was still quite young with low miles. Remember, these were the days that you didn't need to modify anything to be at the top of the pile on Friday nights. Fast-forward many years and there I was a couple of months ago begging the wife to let me blow a few grand on an old car that, I swore, would amaze her as soon as she took a ride in it. Now, I knew that I would need to put some money into it before it was how it oughta be and I have every intention of sacrificing all other luxuries until this thing is where I want......but I have a different problem. Regardless of how much money I stockpile, I can't find any shop within an hour or two drive who know what thge hell this thing is and , worse yet, many just flat out refuse to take the thing in. I remember telling the wife, "I guarantee you, this thing will hold it's value!" Now all I hear is Chris Farley saying,"What you got here is a quaranteed peice of sh!t". If I had someone local, I would gladly hand them all of money and demand, "Anything, any price--just get the god damned thing running right". I shot my mouth off for so long about how bad-a$$ these cars are, and now all I hear coming out of my own mouth is, "'s not really running right,'ll see soon!":rolleyes:
Belive me myself and plenty of others know how you feel.I poured thousands into my stage 2 car this year to get it ready for Vegas only to crack the block at Plamdale 3 weeks before the event. A friend knew I was bumed out so he offered to install his new stage 2 motor in my car so I could make Vegas (what a friend hugh?) anytime you hear that word stage 2 think $$$$$$$. Anyway the new motor went in, the 400 trans got reworked with a brake installed. Off to the dyno we went to get it dialed in 2 days before Vages. We spent 8 hours on the dyno getting the bugs out only to have the MSD Box and the FAST unit fail at the last minute.So we scraped the ideal of taking the stage 2 car.

Well I was not going to miss the Vegas event so I decided to take my T Type stock block, with lots of bolt on parts, DFI, its a good high 10.90 to 11.20 car without a cage. Everything was going fine I was not pushing the car at all I had it dailed in to run 12.00 and it was consistent both Friday night and Saturday morning.I parked it in the pits and waited for eliminations to begin.Well as luck would have it my first run while doing the burnout the drive shaft broke in hafe( part of hit the starter fortunately it did not hurt him).Well when I got the car home I had to buy a new driveshaft,2 new u joints, a new $600 Stainless Exhaust system,Drive shaft loop and to top this all off after I got all this installed I tried to drive the car only to find out that the Transmission was out. So $1500 later the car is back on the road.


So do I know how you feel? Isure do, just think this was only one month out of my BUICK YEAR Have you got a match I can Borrow

GNs are a hole in the garage which you pour money into ;)
Hope its still around for Van Nuys next year!
Ben, It does suck major, but I had more money in braces for my 3 kids than I would pay for a near new GNX today. While it does hurt to put so much money in, when things are right, it's pure heaven isn't it? Just like being married. When things are good they are great, but when it goes off, it is the worst. Now that you have vented, go down to 2nd street and have a few drinks.

Mark:D :D :D
Well, I don't know how somebody would survive with one of these cars as there only car. Mine is a pure hobby like golf or anything else. I have a monthly budget I can spend on the thing and thats it. Any high dollar items I want, I have to save up for even though I got the cash in the bank. Probably why its such a slow work in progress but having a wife and 2 kids its just not fair to blow every dime I have on my car. These cars are money pits and pretty much 80% of every dime you blow on them is a dime you'll never see again but thats the way most hobbys are so I try not to sweat it too much.
money pits

I guess i have been very blessed . My buddy mark wallace bought one of these awsome machines new. I have been a mopar nut my whole life until i finally woke up and smelled the roses. I bought my car at the auto aucton and thought i got a pos, i would not spin the tires and made bad klunking noise when backing up and the ce light would come on on accl. Wow thank God is was a posi needing lube, boost light coming on was the ce light (i though) so no problem there and the no spinning the tires was the wrong torque conv in it. You have to be hooked up with someone that has been there and done that. Like i say the car would not spin the tires when purchased and now it ran 10.61 and 126 mph, of coarse a few years later. Anyway my point is there are alot of scam artist out there in buicks just like everyone else. You have to know who know's what crap works and who's crap dont. The main man is red armstrong at quad air, mark wallace has learned alot from him, he will tell you what will work and what wont. I do rerepairs on my car and that saves me a ton of money. thanks ted ps; everything else mark helps me with, you guys need to get plugging into the buick guys in the club.
I am like turbot2496 I have a budget and I have to stick to it. I have a wife, kids, house, etc that must be paid for first. My car can never hope to be a daily driver, it would be too stressful. When its apart, I drive the daily driver. I have enough cash to buy a whole second Buick but the family wouldn't be too happy. Getting a house made me realize I like doing other things anyway, I like building walls, doing drywall, replacing windows. I built a whole room onto my house, by myself. If I were single I would have been overly focused on the car. This way I don't wind up spending $50k on a car whose value will never crack $20k. I set aside a specific $ value from each paycheck to play with my car, no more no less. I think it prevents me from doing to much and getting all pissed off at it because I can never quite do as much as I would like.
Previously posted by

"Just like being married."

Well, no, not exactly. When you and the GNX/GN/T-TYPE/TURBO-T
seperate, you generally sell it.
When you and Mama seperate, she sells you to the nearest lawyer, generally. And you will pay, and pay, and pay.
And then pay some more.
I stand corrected Gary. You are so right. Everytime I see a house like the one she stole from me in my divorce I cry because of what they go for now and what she got it valued at.