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Anyone Familiar with Atlanta


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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
Hey, quick question for anybody that is familiar with Atl. My daughter is wanting to go to Atl. with some of her friends for a concert at the Fox Theater. She will be spending two nights at the midtown Crown Plaza hotel and coming back the third day. I know nothing about Atl., so with crime the way it is these days and the city's reputation, just wondering what kind of neighborhood these places are in? Should I have any concerns about this other than just normal safe travel concerns? Any places she should avoid?

There's nothing wrong with Atlanta or anywhere else that's going to host a concert worth travelling for.

If you've raised a smart kid that can keep an eye on her surroundings, not get shitfaced in an unfamiliar place, won't accept a drink from a stranger, will stay with her friends, and generally isn't a fuckup, she's going to be fine.
My daughter is a known quantity in this equation, and I have the upmost faith in her, but I don't know these friends and the other friends of these friends. I also don't know the area. I know Charlotte and Raleigh and the locations of the venues there are okay and in relative short drive times from home. If this was just the concert where she would go there and come home, it would be a different story. Minimum exposure to the area and gone, but for this one she's talking three days in a city we're not familiar with where she is totally dependent on other people and I can't get to in short order if something goes askew.
My daughter had to spend last year in shit hole Brockton, ma. I got her a personal alarm and mace to carry, have a few extra personal alarms pm me your address I'll mail u one.
I live near Atlanta. Been here since it was once a nice place. 1973.
I do not go "into the city" often, and when I have to, you know who goes with! ;)
As for the daughter's trip....Here's a map showing the locations.
Not far apart, but DO NOT walk.
Airport to hotel, stay off the streets, cab to Fox and back.
Watch dressing fancy, carrying purses, etc.
Different concerts draw different levels of scum. A crowd draws pickpockets and worse.
Don't live in the Atl area, but have travel there on business about every six weeks for the last twenty years. The area in question is a congested area ,being downtown Midtown area. I have stayed at that Crowne Plaza Hotel several times being a IHG member ( nice hotel but getting a little age on it). The parking is a croc and expensive and Valet. Everything is walking distance from Hotel restaurants etc & even Fox theater . As mentioned walk in groups , although the university of Georgia Tech is not in session which is close in proximity, a lot of students hang out in the area. 70% of all of the attractions that her and friends will attend will be located on or off Peachtree N/E St in which is the main artery for entertainment. Great area to visit for a young person, not so for someone in age, you will get your exercise in walking. I hope your daughter have a awesome time.
Thanks guys.

I'm not too worried about the concert crowd themselves because of the group. Should be mostly female, teen to young adult audience. My main concern is what kind of area she will have to travel through and where she's staying. I guess the biggest thing I can do is to encourage them to stay together at all times. There's safety in numbers.
She's staying a pretty nice place. They just need to do cabs everywhere, 2 - 3 people at a time, and they will be fine. Like Corsiar said, there's safety in numbers. But, that's any town, everywhere now. Don't carry or pay with cash. :confused:

It's actually a beautiful city.
She will be okay as long as she stays away from gas stations... no matter what the time or how busy they are.. :sneaky:
Thanks guys for all of the advice. She went and made it back safely without any issues :) and yeah, gas stations are bad in just about every big city. Charlotte's are terrible. And for anyone that doesn't know, I'm not just talking about the prices either. :rolleyes:
and yeah, gas stations are bad in just about every big city. Charlotte's are terrible. And for anyone that doesn't know, I'm not just talking about the prices either. :rolleyes:
In 1974 I was the only witness to a murder at a gas station in Charlotte... ironic that we are still talking about them all these yrs later, Only difference between now and then is they don't care how many people see them do the crime now, Btw I was born in Lexington NC, and that is a whole different world from Charlotte as i'm sure you know.
I live in Anson County, about halfway between Charlotte and Rockingham. It's amazing how different the areas can be just outside of the cities. Although lately, it seems like the evil seeps out sometimes. I've never spent any time in Lexington, just occasionally passing through, but it seems nice. It's a wonder how it could be though, being located between Charlotte and Greensboro, another not so nice place. Seems like it would rub off, but I'm glad it hasn't.
being located between Charlotte and Greensboro, another not so nice place.
During my working career I spent many days/nights in those 2 cities. Last was in 2002 when I pulled the plug.
Had my car broken into at the Ho Jo in G'boro. No other issues for the 20 yrs I made those visits.
Not any longer! Both cities are shitholes.
I'm surprised ya'll don't remember sheriff Hege that was elected in the 90's, same day he was sworn into office he removed all TV's from the jail, painted the cells pink with blue teddy bears and made the inmates wear candy-striped uniforms while picking up trash... 🤣🤣 Funny shit, he also had a patrol car with a spider web painted on the side, I think he was fired for beating inmates...😲🤫
The Sherriff before the current one in my county made the prisoners wear pink underwear and eat green baloney. He also made a tent city where he housed prisoners saying "If it's good enough for our soldiers in the desert, it's good enough for prisoners in the desert."

He had a friggin' tank, too. LOL

People either loved him, or hated him. He stayed in office from 93 to 2017.

The one in the next county over was this "super tough guy" blowhard........... until his gay lover outed him. :eek:
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The Sherriff before the current one in my county made the prisoners wear pink underwear and eat green baloney. He also made a tent city where he housed prisoners saying "If it's good enough for our soldiers in the desert, it's good enough for prisoners in the desert."

He had a friggin' tank, too. LOL

People either loved him, or hated him. He stayed in office from 93 to 2017.

The one in the next county over was this "super tough guy" blowhard........... until his gay lover outed him. :eek:
That's funny, a friend of mine was a local police chief that visited your sheriff when he first had trouble with the DA, he was heavily criticized by MSM for that visit..