How was it?
Anything worth mentioning? I was thinking of going even if I didn't have a job, but considering car troubles I've had this week, I'm glad I didn't. Sat night I almost ran a cobra, but he got up next to me, and I'm pretty sure he could hear my turbo whistling a little as we drove down the road. I made a move to get on the highway, but he didn't follow. I ran WOT for a little bit, and afterward, heard what sounded like valvetrain tap. Turned the car off for @ 20 min while I visited my parents, when I left, no more tapping... Hmmm. Okay.
For my other car - running extremely poor. idles pretty much okay, but no power whatsoever. Maxs out at 10psi, runs WOT like it's a 4cyl. I've got my suspicions about what it is, but I'd like to hear some additional thoughts on what it might be to see if they come close to what I suspect, or if I should check something different all together.
That's it from me.