Anyone have a GNX heat shield thats seen better days?Needing to cut one up for ext WG


Dec 14, 2003
Anyone?Cant bring myself to cut up the one I bought from Joe H seeing as they arent sold/made anymore.Thanks,


Considering original shields are quite hard to come by and worth a substantial amount I would purchase a Repro(maybe you already have one)from Joe and cut it!
I looked for years, before the prices on real GNX stuff got so crazy, and never found one. I purchased one of Joe's and cut it. Maybe a mistake, but at the time they weren't that expensive.
Last I heard there were no more repro's. I beleive there were only 2 runs equalling maybe 150 pieces(??)So the repro's are more rare than orig's if you wanna get technical;)j/k

I had a hard time getting one(repro) and really cant bring myself to cut it!!!Ill prob end up cutting it because it really completes the look IMO

My car is #026's clone:)
GNX turbo cover

I might regret doing this, I have 1 brand new repro GNX turbo cover from Joe H. I bought his last 2 that he had left back in 2004 or 2005. It is identical to the real one. I will let it go for 1,000.00 if someone needs it. If not it will go back on the shelf and I will sleep easier. Either PM me or email me.