Anyone here an electronics or computer technician?


Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
I'm not really sure where to start with this but I graduated college back in October from Devry University with an associate's degree in Electronics & Computer Technology (essentially a technician degree). Well it's April and I haven't found any kind of work related to what I went to school for. I've had numerous interviews and such but always seem to come up short. I think I am in competition with a lot of folks with higher degrees than myself. But most of the jobs I am applying for are only requiring high school or 2 year college degrees. I'm just having a hell of a time right now trying to find a decent job. I've been doing side jobs here and there for the past 6 months but I can't keep living like this forever. I'm starting to wonder if going to school even helped me. Is there anyone on this board that is kinda in the same field as I am? I'm even starting to look out of the region since Indiana sucks for jobs right now. I'm trying to find something in the Chicagoland area but having no luck even with that.
Check out your local FAA and any federal agencies online. The federal govt always seems to have job openings for ETs.
I'm not in the field, just chiming in to say you need to realize EVERY field is like that right now. Of course you're competing with more qualified people, they're all out of work and have started to apply for jobs that normally would have been "below" them. It's gunna be tough, just gotta keep trying.
Ya I understand all fields are suffering. I'm just trying to reach out to different areas that I may have been overlooking. I'm not really sure what all is out there when it comes to ET jobs. I'm just trying to explore all options and get some ideas to better my search. Like I said, I'm about willing to relocate so if there is a particular area in the country that is better for someone like myself, I'd like to know cause Indiana is just plain not an option anymore. All we have around here is the steel mills and mostly factory jobs.
im going for computer networking and from everything i hear you need to do an internship to get experience. just 6 months to a year and it supposedly will pay you dividends in the job area. my school sets up internships all around town because our teacher said he got tired of all his students heaingr that if they just had some experience they would be hired. good luck
that's the thing though.......all the companies right now are looking for EXPERIENCED people......not guys fresh out of college with no relevant work related history to the field they are trying to work in......I mean how the hell do you get experienced if noone hires you to begin with? How are you supposed to gain that experience if noone is looking to take on a new guy? Companies nowadays are looking for ways to cut cost and training new people is a big cost to a business. So if all companies are trimming salaries and employees and cutting costs every which way, guys out of college with no experience are SCREWED! God bless america...
good luck

I started at a position with less education than others I work with who have more. I am making more $ and have more experience. I see those with higher educations dropping down to lesser positions just to get by. It is a tough economy so a relocation might be in store. I have always kept options open to move in the event finding a job if my current location was looking unlikely. Try putting your resume out with known temp agencys who hire in your field. Get in the door and let your abilities carry you.
Im an electronics tech for White Sands Missle Range and they cant get enough of us out here. Lots of demand for the new electronic warfare programs that the Army Research Labs are kicking out. Only catch is you have to live way out in the middle of nowhere. population 3.

I would definitly suggest looking into a GOV job. once your foots in the door its hard to get rid of you.

dice dot com is a good place for IT for "tech support" & "helpdesk" type jobs, they are a good place for people with limited experience. As long as you are open to relocating, you should be able to find something...don't give up.
i do see alot of positions for IT in chicago, but they aren't going to consider you because you are not a resident and are seen as a risk because you live so far and have to relocate which here can be a real pia to do in a short time. do you know anyone that lives in chi that you can use thier addy for interview purposes.
Thanks guys. Many people have been telling me to go government/military as well. I'll check out as well. I guess it is true that companies would rather hire someone who already lives in the area FIRST. Its hard but I won't give up. Never thought I would graduate college during a modern day depression:(
Thanks guys. Many people have been telling me to go government/military as well. I'll check out as well. I guess it is true that companies would rather hire someone who already lives in the area FIRST. Its hard but I won't give up. Never thought I would graduate college during a modern day depression:(

I thought I'd share my suffering when I graduated from college back in early 90's. I went on 30 interviews over 6 months before I finally got a job. It was for a programmer/tech support paying only $10.00/hour. That low paying job introduced me to so many technologies that my job today is a direct result of that first job, one job led to another to another and so on.

I thought I'd share my suffering when I graduated from college back in early 90's. I went on 30 interviews over 6 months before I finally got a job. It was for a programmer/tech support paying only $10.00/hour. That low paying job introduced me to so many technologies that my job today is a direct result of that first job, one job led to another to another and so on.

Same here. You have to start somewhere.
I graduated with a Electronics degree back in 1998. I went to work as a copier/printer technician in 2000 and I am still in that field making pretty decent money. If you are interested in IT that could be a good route to take. I love my job!! I get to drive around all day with no boss looking over your shoulder. It is similar to being self employed.
A few words from an "Out of work IT guy". The market is very good right now for IT. If you're into electronics and stuff, hook up with a major consulting company in the area that does large scale SAN, NAS and blade installations. They can educate you about what the storage arena has to offer and there is always something broken somewhere. Not many techs know electronics and how they relate to hardware on that scale. These are computers that cost $250K and up.

I decided to leave my job with the big "T" in automotive, they paid me a fair amount to go. Now, seems very few people (only me) knew all the ins and outs of every workaround to keep production running and most locations. Here, my wife and I thought we would have to seriously cut things short to make ends meet. Now I have two companies getting ready to extend offers to me, side work is up 300% from last year and I get to spend tons of time with my family right now (I almost dread for when the economy picks up again and I have to get a real job). If I do go back to that company, it's more than likely as a private consultant that will allow me to charge an amount I never dreamed of. If I go through a consulting company that has a contract to merge/maintain their network, I think it would be just so I don't go around them and squash the profit for them. I can keep a production plant running for say $30K in hardware, they are telling my former employer it can't be done for less than 2.25 million. My former employer needs me to direct others into how it can in fact be done and how to do it. I made it work for the past five years. I'm sure we can work something out. This situation is not unique, companies have cut too close to the bone and now need back fill positions.

Point is, IT is booming for consultants right now. Give the big houses a call and see what they have to offer. They need SAN and virtual specialist now.
The whole industry sucks right now. You definitely need to get your resume to some staffing companies. TekSystems tried to recruit me for over 10 years. I always left the door open to them and told them I was always looking but the current position they were offering was not a good fit. I told them to keep my number and always give me a call. Three years ago they called while I was employed at a company that payed well but the travel was extensive.( I have been in 26 states for work and was even flown to Hawaii to fix a WalMart) I was tired of traveling so much and decided to go talk with them. I now make 70k plus over time and bonus and don't travel at all, work Monday-Friday 8-5 and am only on call one weekend a month. Give them a shot. Link below. Good luck.
IT Staffing and IT Recruiting Services from TEKsystems

it is tough out there, last year my son was offered a summer internship while he was waiting to go to grad school but they gave it to a guy with a masters. Times have changed my friends.
I hate to say it but companies are also just wanting more and more experiance, I have seen alot of really smart highly educated guys that just lacked the common sense to be a good Tron, they get hired - just to get replaced by the guy who barely has a high school diploma.

the days of the certificate and diploma war are beginning to end, the return of the "skilled worker" has begun.

these days you need more than just booksmarts.

JUST my opinion.
