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Can you explain what you mean by this...:confused:

Actually the reverse dents are caused by pushing too hard when sanding. The metal around the glue flexes in, so only the material on the glue gets sanded, creating a low spot. The trick is fresh "sharp" sand paper and just push the block across the hood or decklid. The doors will do the same thing, but most of the glue on the beam has dried up and fallen out. Another trick with the hood is to support it on a board across the stand, from edge to edge. Most stands will rest on the center support of the hood, pushing the webbing and glue up, making the glue spots high, so when they are sanded flat on the stand, the spots will become low on the car. Body work is easy though.:rolleyes::D Just read a book.
Lots of shop owners are continuously revamping pay scales to the detriment of their employees. This causes quite a bit of disgruntlement. That is why the best paying jobs get done first and why the low paying jobs are usually marginal.

But the quality of the bodyman comes down to one thing: want-to. If he wants to do a good job he will. The motivation comes from within. However these folks are rare. The majority want a quick turn and burn and not necessarily to buy booze.

And yes, materials are wow. It costs me $100 in materials to paint a bicycle with two colors using only two coats of primer/base/clear and that is using low-end PPG products. Crazy. Here is a place I found that beats almost anyone and is usually cheaper than local wholesalers: R & E Paint Supply Nice to deal with also and they ship! They have much more than just what is on the website. Give them a call.
Can you explain what you mean by this...:confused:

You can get the hood perfectly smooth, but after mounting it back on the car and opening and closing it a few times, it tweaks itself again because the glue pushes on the metal differently than when it was blocked on sawhorses. I've never read a bodywork book. I just see waves in my hood, and I decided it won't bother me, it's just a 80's Regal at the end of the day.
in my bus aka shop you bring your car i dont ask for no deposit.. .you paid me when your car or parts are done..ifeel you guys but alot of body mens its sad to said this but is true they have some type of drug or alc problem:mad: guys take it from me i own a shop it so hard to fine a good body man.. that why its just me and my son!! so my buick brother before you give your car to some shop please do your home work...
You guys are right!

Yes this guy is not a reputable shop he works out of his heated garage for his dad which owns a car lot. He does collision work and says usually about 4 to 7 thousand from insurance companys. He said basically doing my car would be a favor to me since it is tedious and would not be making money from me? But what eerks me is the 2 weeks tops, will look like glass, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong the parts he has done are flawless with I think he said 3 or 4 coats of base and 6 coats of clear. They are very shiny since he used the good clear. But the motivation is not there. The whole reason he is doing my car in pieces like this is so it won't cost 5 grand for the whole car right off the bat. And said that he has no insurance or collision work right now, that's why he's doing my car to make up for not having any work. But again helping your dad moving cars and delivering them putting my stuff off, going to court over your dog, the buffer is killing my back, that's what is ticking me off. If you take a job and someone is paying you to do that job than DO IT, there shouldn't be any excuses about why the parts are not getting done. Besides it's like me going over to your house to rekey your locks, taking them all off rekeying them and saying you owe me whatever the amount before I reinstall your locks, and saying I'm charging you for pins in the cylinders 1.00 a piece and before I reinstall your locks you owe me. BS complete the job you get paid, that is the way it has always worked. But maybe that's why this dude doesn't have a job like the rest of us? Thanks for the input guys.:smile:
He isn't running a charity. He isn't motivated because he doesn't make money on that job. If he does good work for cheap, then be patient, might take a while. However, if you want it done now, pay the going rate.
he's got a point

He isn't running a charity. He isn't motivated because he doesn't make money on that job. If he does good work for cheap, then be patient, might take a while. However, if you want it done now, pay the going rate.

if this is a guy you know well or a freind of a freind then he may have cut his own throat with the prices he have gave you. i've stated before that i have a couple of buddies who do body work and if i ask them to do stuff it's on the side and they aren't doing it to make alotta money. they're doing it for some extra cash. If they do the work it may stretch out a couple of weeks as they do the work on the weekends when they have extra time. this guy may have under quoted you or figured he needed the work and decided to give you a break. who knows but freinds and business don't mix well, plenty of freindships have broken over bad business.
this is why i dont use bodyguys i do it all myself. its not hard if im doing it and im only 19.
lots of trial & error

unless you took a class, i did back in HS and sure i know how to do it too. question is whether i want to pay someone to do it professionally or point out my weak points in my work.