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Dec 30, 2002
Guys just wanted to share a couple of experiences with all of you. K here it goes. I have this bodyman who is painting my hood, trunk lid, piece in front of the trunk, spoiler and all moldings. My problem is he has had my parts since the middle of january. Still has the parts and the only left to do is buff out the hood for microscratches swirlys etc. Wet sand the spolier, reinstall moldings and reinstall trunk lock. This guy is dragging his feet on this whole ordeal. Has said for the last two weeks that everything will be done by Saturday? I've heard this for the last two saturdays now!:mad: This guy also says his electric is going to get shut off and he owes the paint store like 500.00 bucks! So basically he's trying to make me feel sorry for him and give him a little money on my project? Was told on Monday that if I didn't pay him any money that I can take my stuff and go? Now I can't do that with everything disassembled and the hood needing to be compounded and all? I have been told that body guys (paint guys) are in their own little world and work on stuff whenever they feel like it? I guess what I'm saying is I'm am very frustrated and ticked off:mad: that this is my 3rd body guy and am always falling for I'll have it done in two weeks tops and if you don't like the work you don't have to pay me. Now I gave this clown 200.00 bucks because he has done alot of work on these pieces. But how the hell do I get him motivated to finish the $%^&ing stuff? This dude for the last 2 days hasn't been out to buff at all? Another thing is he said he wanted what I gave him so while one part was drying he could work on another part and vice versa? Also told me it would be 380.00 bucks for all and now it's up to 580.00!! He said he writes his time down on a notepad if it's 10 minutes or 6 hours? Now how the hell am I going to know that? What do I need to tell this fool to get this stuff done? And would you guys pay him the full amount? Or do you think he's full of BS? He also wants me to take off the bumpers and fillers to do them next:eek: he must think I'm stupid or something? Please help me out what the hell do I do on this. I've also got new 3.8 emblems for the hood, hood pad, hood light, new GN emblems, and kirbans side black out trim. Would I get in trouble if I just take my parts back and say %^&* U to him or what?:confused:
hmmm sounds like my body guy...sounds like his drinking/drug habit is getting out of money

body/paint guys are like car salesman..just dont drop anything in front of them...:p
sucky bodyman

guess his work is reflecting on his business, i would pick up the pieces tell him we're even and talk to another person to finish what he hasn't done. for the amount of work he's done and lacks and he's either BS'ing or ? i just don't think you should have to pay more then he quoted you for work that he's not doing in a timely manner. now if he's a busy place then i may make exception if we had an agreement that he could take his time due to winter or whatever. but i'm sure most guys would feel the same way, don't let this guy wind up closing his shop then you may have a hard time finding him and your parts and spend alot more on replacement parts no including painting and any other work needing to be done. guys any other comments, i'm just saying it's time to quit trying to be nice, this is a business and sounds like he's not running it like one.
I have had many cars held hostage/storage over the years @ body shops :eek: Thats why if I get a car now the paint has to be nice or I am gone. BUT $200 to paint, clear, sand, and buff those parts ??? I think the guy had a reality check and got pissed for his screw up. Have you guys bought any type of paint lately ?? Its crazy!! NOT CHEAP.
Body guys seem to be drunkin liars. They are all the best and will have your car back to you pronto. They all want big deposits and then they have you by the balls. :mad:
Cut your losses and get out while you can. Talk to people in your area and find someone reputable. If you can, have the car brought right from his shop to theirs.
How much did all those new parts cost you?

You have no problem paying for those , yet when the painter wants a fair amount for his work, you bitch. He's charging you nothing.

Does he have collision work in his shop? That will push your stuff aside.

Don't piss him off when it's your parts in his shop or you'll be painting them twice.
Let me guess, you went to him because he was the cheapest? That is how the drunken low lifes get work. The will shoot you a lowball estimate, then jack it up when you try to get your car. Not all places are like this. The cheapest estimate is cheaper for a reason. Next time use a real shop. You might have to pay alittle more, but you will get your stuff back, and will be happy with the quality. If you are paying less, you are getting less.

I have had many cars held hostage/storage over the years @ body shops :eek: Thats why if I get a car now the paint has to be nice or I am gone. BUT $200 to paint, clear, sand, and buff those parts ??? I think the guy had a reality check and got pissed for his screw up. Have you guys bought any type of paint lately ?? Its crazy!! NOT CHEAP.

Most have contaminated thier brains w/ thinner fumes.
The "6 weeks to first prime" on my 55 Chevy is now at 7 mo's 1 week.
As for material costs... Those are about as big a ripoff as jewelry and furniture:mad:
$440.00/gallon for 04 Vette blue, nearly $300 gallon for clear w/ activator, etc.
Few weeks go by that I don't hear of another "painter" that's wrapped around the axle w/ pi$$ poor money mgmt problems..
In this case, that painter was either drunk, dopey, or has a low IQ, to price that work at such a low end. It just goes to reinforce his comments of being upside down w/ his suppliers...

I have decided that this is my "last hoorah" w/ building a hotrod. If there's ever another, I'll be doing what Grumpy does.. Buy it already done!!:D
I have had many cars held hostage/storage over the years @ body shops :eek: Thats why if I get a car now the paint has to be nice or I am gone. BUT $200 to paint, clear, sand, and buff those parts ??? I think the guy had a reality check and got pissed for his screw up. Have you guys bought any type of paint lately ?? Its crazy!! NOT CHEAP.
this is an understatement
How much did all those new parts cost you?

You have no problem paying for those , yet when the painter wants a fair amount for his work, you bitch. He's charging you nothing

Does he have collision work in his shop? That will push your stuff aside.

Don't piss him off when it's your parts in his shop or you'll be painting them twice.

this is a problem in every business and especially true in the the auto repair business.

Most people dish out what ever amount to buy that new “Cool Guy Part” (thanks Grumpy) but hammer the guy that’s going to install it and make it work. :confused::confused:
Most have contaminated thier brains w/ thinner fumes.
The "6 weeks to first prime" on my 55 Chevy is now at 7 mo's 1 week.
As for material costs... Those are about as big a ripoff as jewelry and furniture:mad:
$440.00/gallon for 04 Vette blue, nearly $300 gallon for clear w/ activator, etc.
Few weeks go by that I don't hear of another "painter" that's wrapped around the axle w/ pi$$ poor money mgmt problems..
In this case, that painter was either drunk, dopey, or has a low IQ, to price that work at such a low end. It just goes to reinforce his comments of being upside down w/ his suppliers...

I have decided that this is my "last hoorah" w/ building a hotrod. If there's ever another, I'll be doing what Grumpy does.. Buy it already done!!:D

Wait till they have to use the water based stuff. Look out as the prep work is even more.

I have had many cars held hostage/storage over the years @ body shops :eek: Thats why if I get a car now the paint has to be nice or I am gone. BUT $200 to paint, clear, sand, and buff those parts ??? I think the guy had a reality check and got pissed for his screw up. Have you guys bought any type of paint lately ?? Its crazy!! NOT CHEAP.

Yup time is the killer on all body work.

I do not know how he quoted you a price like that for that amount of work.

You have two choices wait till he is done, or pay him take it elsewhere and have it done. And cut your losses.

Later AJ

I have one of the best quality bodymen around. I never push him about my cars, He has had a 71 Camaro of mine on a rotisery for almost 2 years, He is the best and in very high demand, I swing by his shop about once a month and drink a beer with him and attempt to prode him along. He amazes me with his craftmanship and I have never had to pick at anything he has done, as he does that all by himself.
I'd give the guy some time if you know him well enough. My body guy was a friend of a neighbor, so I got a "deal"- 3 month estimate. However, it took forever, I would just go by the shop once or twice a month to check out the car. I never pushed him to get it done even when everyone else was thinking I'm crazy for not pushing him to get it done. Plus, I had no room for the car yet in the garage anyways. Collision stuff backs them up since that has to get done asap. So, my car took a year to get painted, but its nice and he did custom work- shaved mirrors, one piece rear bumper filler, fitted the glass bumpers and fillers, new hinges, reinforced the hood strut attachment plates in the hood, pulled all the glass, painted the hood 4 times and the lid twice since he didn't think it was perfect each time. I probably wouldn't have noticed if he just left it as is. Turns out the hood just bends each time so the reversed dents from the glue pulling down on the metal is a fact of these cars. I paid him extra money to keep going on the project since it was clear that he underestimated the work. I think I got a 15K paintjob for under 5K. It still needs a final buffng to get rid of some swirls, but that can be done anytime.
Funny comments guys. I agree with all of them .. See old age does have some merits :p I did have one car that went to 3 body shops for a year a piece. Even to this day I still know these guys and laugh about it now.. Reason I could do that.. They were ALL doin it for a deal !! I ended up finishing the car myself :cool:
... So move out of the dark ages to now. I just did a little paddle boat for the wife. I had about $1500 in a $200 boat IF ya found someone who WANTED it :eek:
So Dan's words of wisdom.. "pay peanuts ya get monkey's" :biggrin:
Next time go to a reputable shop

most shops couldn't be bothered with the "job" the guy posted about here. Insurance work is a wham bamm and out the door and they make $$$$ on it! ya ya I have friends still in the body shop world that I torture with small junk :p
Very true, but there are still some smaller shops out there that do smaller jobs like that, and actually do it right.
Very true, but there are still some smaller shops out there that do smaller jobs like that, and actually do it right.

yes they will BUT they do have to make $$$$. well good luck to the thread starter.. I would be tryin to push the guy to get the parts outta there. :cool:
The $80 extra he wants to charge you is small money for what he is doing, materials alone is more than that, plus the labor..the guy is making nothing on the job. Either tell him your willing to make the money right with him, so you can get your stuff done..or just pack up and another shop it's going to be more, count on it. All these stories is exactly why I do all my own paint/body on my restorations. And yes, it's a time consuming hand to hand combat between each car and myself. Good luck with your decision!
