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ARENA CROSS motorcross


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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Just took in the Arena Cross with my 2 boys today at the worcester centruim in Mass.
Had a good time watching these guys from 10 states ripping around the course.

Some of those 16 to 22 year olds can really ride motorcross bikes well.:cool:

Quick question? Are any of those bikes geared to be AUTOMATIC trans? I could hardly tell if some guys were even shifting.
arena X

Those guys are nuts, I used to do the MX thing a few years ago, but since I had no time to practice I had to give it up.....also sucks because I used to get hurt and break a lot of bones all too often, a lot of the time it isnt your mistakes that get you hurt, but the mistakes others make out on the course....I'd practice every weekend sat and sun.....and was in really good shape, but could never keep up with the bigtime boys that did it for a living..... Its gotten pretty insane now...

all of the bikes are manual shifted....none are autos except for some of the factory dual purpose bikes..... you hear no drop in RPM because the tire just spins upon a shift and they dont back off the throttle (WOT power shifts)

:cool: :cool: :cool:
hey little six....................

I am a beginner riding a YZ426F!

What a friggin rush!:)

This bike hauls the bacon, cmon, ya know you want one now.
JDG, the 426f is what I was racing fast as he$$ I raced for awhile was sponsored by a Yamaha dealer in town here.

I loved that bike, after I bought it I took it home and tor it completely down and cleaned and lubed every bearing on the bike ( they just have a light oil on them from the factory) I had about $3500 in extras on it everything was either carbon fiber or TY, looked awsome. Had a White Bros. carbon fiber pipe on it that looked like a peice of art.

If I had it to do over again the first thing I would do before anything was bought for it would be, with out a doubt the suspension best thing I ever did for it made the bike a thousand times better, the first thing anyone ever said after riding it was " this suspension is AWSOME" then they would talk about how fast it was LOL

Had to give it up because of a back injury, but would love to get another one to ride at my house ( I have 23 acres) just to stay in shape

AWE the memories!!!!!!!
My son raced moto x on a Honda 250R got tired of all the slamming and went to what he told me was a milder form of riding,,,,,Freestyle. YIKES. After seeing him do a 100 ' jump over an old house in the desert and busting a super man while doing it, I decided I wasn't fit to watch him ride any more. As far as the original question, no they aren't automatics, but you can easily shift a dirt bike under full throttle. Just slightly lean on the clutch as you shift, it pops right in. Nice clean seamless shift everytime.

Thanks for the info on the shifting..
I have noticed when driving my Yamaha 125 that if I am going along in 4th gear & I hit a bump that may cause my foot to hit the gear lever & it slips into the next gear with no clutch. Pretty cool.

Yeah we saw some close calls on the Big jump some guys almost land on the other dudes. Nobody was hurt & that is a good thing.