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ate a civic


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New Member
Jan 5, 2002
I was on my way to work one evening, when I pulled up to the traffic light on 64. Damn- I always miss this light. I was just minding my own buisness, looking for a radio station when this bright red Civic pulls up beside me. It had the usual mods - fart can, ridiculous spoiler, what looked like 20'' wheels, a pillar guages, and enough stickers to wallpaper a grocery store. He looks over at me as if pleased by my disgust. He throws a couple of revs, and I know it's on. I begin to build a couple of pounds of boost in anticipation of the green. He turns his radio up as the light changes. Immediately he jumps a full car length out and grabs second gear. As the boost begins to take hold, I can feel myself reeling him in. By the time we hit sixty, I was pulling by him at an astonishing pace. I stayed in it until about ninety, and then let off. Several seconds later the Civic owner did his fly-by and saluted me. I don't think he let out until I had already turned off. I wonder how it feels to get dusted by a Volvo wagon.
attention wannabe rice posers

Do you take your volvo to the super chevy shows? Will you show it a Bowling Green. lol . . . dude . . . . . I could give a rats @ss about a volvo, suburu OR any other slowmotion kills. The last time I checked this board was about turbo buicks. Not any and every 3, 4, 6 and 8 cylinders turbo or not. I hate drifting through junk that is unrelated to Buicks. What's next a post about beating a Schwinn 10speed with your Huffy mountain bike. :rolleyes:
Oh well, can't be driving the GN every day. I assumed that since I like to read about all kinds of kills, especially ones that embarass the rice crowd, that some other people might like to do the same. If a fifty dollar Volvo that has been sitting for three years can beat a ricer, imagine what my Buick would have done. By the tone of the reply made by Chad, perhaps that was him in the Civic. I'm certain there is some sort of treatment available for PMS. If anybody else happens to read this message, I, as the owner of two Turbo Regals and member of this board still like to read about any kills that are "winning one for our side". I'm sure that everyone at one time has known what it feels like to say "Damn, if only I was driving the Buick"
Re: attention wannabe rice posers

Originally posted by Chad Oliver
Do you take your volvo to the super chevy shows? Will you show it a Bowling Green. lol . . . dude . . . . . I could give a rats @ss about a volvo, suburu OR any other slowmotion kills. The last time I checked this board was about turbo buicks. Not any and every 3, 4, 6 and 8 cylinders turbo or not. I hate drifting through junk that is unrelated to Buicks. What's next a post about beating a Schwinn 10speed with your Huffy mountain bike. :rolleyes:

Ever heard the saying if you dont have anything good to say about something shut your pie hole?
Enjoyed the kill, cyabye, but the replies were even better and I own a Huffy mountain kicks ass!
Originally posted by Chad Oliver
ya Bob , ever read some of your own posts? Hipocritical ahole

Its hypocritical, try

The only time you post in this forum is to complain about the posts. If it bothers you that much DONT READ OVER HERE ANY MORE. If you see a post that irritates you, GO TO THE NEXT ONE

till next time
Sorry, did'nt mean to start a war. The story was meant to be humorous. I had just bought the car for fifty dollars and was driving it to work to see how it would run. The Civic was confirmation that in fact I did get my money's worth. I appreciate the kind words Brothers. Chad, you might want to tuck that tampon string in a little better to keep from tripping over it.
I understand why you would not get the tampon comment. Evidently I am operating on a much higher intelligence level than you. That, however is not your fault. In several days, when your cycle is over, you can reflect back on my previous message and perhaps make sense out of it. I appologize to all my TR brothers who might be offended by the comments I have made to Chad, but sometimes you have to call a whiner a B!TCH
I am going to exercise restraint, and not dignify your comment with a response. This sort of childish name calling does'nt belong in this section. I appologize for all derrogatory comments that I made towards you. As much fun as it is to ridicule you, in order to end this thread and make room for some kill stories, I officially have no comment.:cool:
I enjoy reading any post (regardless of where it's posted) about someone putting a ricer in their place.. I've taken one out in my moms Nissan Sentra one time and felt like posting it just because it was funny. Sometimes most of the kills you get is when you don't have the TR out that day.. happens to me all the time.

C'mon, a $50 Volvo taking out a "high performance" ricer clown car is hilarious!

Just my 2 pennies... (now my bank account is empty)
This is a kill/fish story board. I see stories about all kinds of races on here. I enjoy it. I see no where does it say to only post stuff that involves a Turbo Buick. Hmmm I guess I shouldnt post stuff about my Turbo Pontiac here. Oh wait hold on we even have a board for no-Turbo cars here. Maybe they shouldnt be allowed to post here either. Get a life.... if you dont like it dont come here.
Leave it to a new guy to tell everyone else what to do.