Bad car wreck, please read

Captain Mark

New Member
Oct 28, 2002
A really good friend of ours was recently in a car wreck. She was hit head on by a guy with no insurance. This young lady is a single mom with 2 young sons. She works very hard at her job, and is also a great mom to the boys. Her life was pretty tough before the wreck just working and raising the boys alone. Her life has now drastically changed for the worse. When the wreck happened, her and the 2 boys were unconcious. Her car caught fire upon impact and a couple of witnesses pulled her and her 2 boys out of the burning car. They would have surely died. That is the good news. The bad news, the Mom has numerous broken bones including several broken vertebrae. Her oldest son was not as lucky as mom. His spine was snapped and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. He will be wheel chair bound the rest of his life. This young boy was a typical 6 year old. So full of life...loved athletics...very active. Now his life has changed forever.
Luckily the youngest son was fine. The mom will now have to buy a vehicle that is wheel chair accessible, and her house will have to be remodeled for wheel chair accessibilty. Not counting the months of rehab. This young lady will need a lot of help. If any of you would like to make a donation, they can be sent to:

send all donations to:


P.O. BOX 115

Any help for these fine folks would be appreciated.

This stuff just makes me sick. I am dead broke right now, but if you post up a paypal addy, I will send a few dollars at least.

How sad, I am in, will send a donation tomarrw.

Originally posted by BuickGn Boosted
Sounds like a good cause for that Extreme Home Makeover show.

This is being looked into.

Thanks guys. Ya'll are good peeps.

I have 2 sons, and the thought of this happening to one of them just makes me sick.

My band is playing a benefit concert for them this saturday. Every little bit helps.:(
If every member here

could kick in $25.00 that would be a couple hundred thousand dollars guys. That would be a couple hundred thousand, but a mere drop in the bucket for what this family will need!

I am sending this to the top for a little while. This really saddens me. I am sorry guys but I just feel the need to say a prayer for this family, sorry if I offend anyone.

Father your will is not death, your will is not sorrow, your will is not pain, this is the work from the enemy. I bind him and tie him up and cast him away from this precious family. I pray that a blessing would come upon them right NOW and before the hour passes for some hope to shed upon them. Father your word tells us when two or more people come into agreement you hear our prayers from Heaven and turn to comfort your people. Father we ask for you to comfort this family through these most trying times in Jesus' name. AMEN

Captain Mark please e-mail me the information and the full story if you can find it in the news paper or something like that. I will send it off the the VP'S at Ford. Sometimes they respond and donate vehicles. I would have no problem spending some time from our dealership to make sure this gets to the right people at Ford that can make a decision.

I am also having the wife send a check, if you get her set-up with paypal please post it for us.

Travis, for steping this to the top.

We NEED to help!

If they don't have a paypal address, help them set one up. If we spread this around a few message boards as all those here are good about doing, we can get these people some help. If there's someone to vouch first hand as you are for these situations, it goes a long way to taking these things seriously. Count me in.

OK guys, we are working on a paypal account. Hopefully it will be set up tomorrow.

I will also get the newspaper clipping about this. there has already been one article, and I think there is suposed to be another one in tomorrow's paper.

I also have a very touching picture of the mom and the 2 kids together in the hospital. the mom has a halo on her head and shoulders (I don't mean the angelic kind, I mean the broken neck kind), and Travis is strapped down on a hospital bed. they are all smiling and holding hands, just glad to be alive and back together. Another side note, Travis had to stay in a different hospital from his mom for 3 weeks. He sunk in a terrible depression because he was seperated from his mom. These 2 boys are very close to mom, which is understandable, and had never been away from mom for this long before. Once they were re-united, Travis' spirits have been greatly uplifted. From what I understand, Travis is taking this very well so far. I'm not sure how much he really understands right now. Once he gets back home and sits at the window watching his little buddies play football without him......that would be too much for me to watch I'm afraid.
I also have a very touching picture of the mom and the 2 kids together in the hospital.
Please post it so we can put faces to the story.

Dam I am a Travis:( Guys we need to step up on this.
Our band is playing a benefit concert for the family tomorrow night. I just found out that little Tyler is getting a 6 hour pass to leave the hospital so he can come to the concert. Mom says he is very excited about it!:)

Please get a pay-pal set up for them. I am in this Motorcycle ministry at our local Church. We have meetings every Tuesday night. There is about 30 of us, I have already called our President of the club and we will be doing a collection for the family. :(
Originally posted by NJTurbo

Please get a pay-pal set up for them. I am in this Motorcycle ministry at our local Church. We have meetings every Tuesday night. There is about 30 of us, I have already called our President of the club and we will be doing a collection for the family. :(

You the man!:)
Just mailed my donation.

Happy to Help! Keep us posted on the $$$$ we raise ok. I called our local car club pres and he is going to drum up some donations to send. :)
hey thats a low blow!

I am a HUSKER stuck in Kansas. Hopefully with our recruits we will "hook" the horns haha.

Now back to the topic, cmon guys some of you others jump on board here. If this was your family we would help you. get the donations rolling.
