Just took on the satellite provider, directtv...Got my bill, up $15. Call and ask: "your last promo price expired".
OK, "either renew the original deal, or shut it off." Then the argument started, and this asshat goes off on a religion rant, as to how I should focus on certain programming... "we're done w/ this", is my response. He then transfers me to a retention expert, & he gets an earful...All of a sudden, there's a $25.00 reduction magically appearing.
Still looking at a streaming set up. I'm absolutely fed up w/ the crap channels, repeats, dupe showings on 2-4 channels at the same time....
Insurance on the cars/house the same crap. Shopped them, cut home by nearly 50%, same w/ the cars.
B/A got the axe w/ their "I don't give a ratzass" approach to home loans. Now w/ a local/home owned bank, at 1/2 the B/A rate....