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Cell phone plan?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2005
Never had one so not sure what/where to look, been using company phone for last 29 years but that is coming to an end. I do have Verizon FiOS @ home for internet, any bundle deals to be had? Looking for a 2 phone plan for me & daughter. Suggestions?
We have Straight Talk. It’s cheap enough, about $50 per line for the unlimited plan.
They use Verizon cell towers for the IPhones.
The only downside is you have to purchase the phones outright, but it only takes 2 years to start saving money VS the Verizon plan so if you’re ok with the same phone for longer than 2 years it pencils out. Not so much if you have to have the latest and greatest.

You drive a nearly 40 year old car so you might be ok. Lol
That's cool George thanks.. can u have Android instead? Been using this Kyocera indestructo phone for awhile it's quite resilient would like to stick with ot
You’re welcome.
Yes, although I’m not sure what cell towers they use. They may use Verizon as well. We were interested in the IPhones and that’s the information we got.
I believe they have less expensive plans now too.
12 years ago we got iPhone 4’s and had them 6 years. We recently went to iPhone 12’s and I’ll have to go to a 12” tablet to read the texts anymore. Lol
Not sure where you are located but finding out who has the best coverage for the areas you frequent is important to me. When i was working in the oil and gas fields ATT had the best over all coverage. This came at a price and was pretty much twice as much a month at the time comparing to the others. If you can deal with signal probs, dropped calls and the like a cheaper plan might be in your wheelhouse.

Once I transitioned into being "in town" for most of my time and the att quit doing "free" phones I went in search of. We landed at T Mobile. Verizon had a different kind of signal and the phones just didn't appeal to me at the time. There were others we looked at but the big three(att, verizon and tmobile) were the main ones I looked at. I bought phones(used, refurbished and such) for a few years and went along for a decade or so. Drop and break a phone, buy another. Get to where the phone was super slow and out of date, buy another, never really spending more than $100-200 for each phone. Bill was cheaper as we weren't making installments on the "financed" phone.

This brings me to current. Daughter split with ex-husband and I got snafued into adding her to the plan which added a line. Sounds great as the give you a "free" phone. Well this entailed bill credits. What is this you ask...well, as long as those lines are current they "pay" you back for the phone installment. Good until above daughter gets remarried and takes that line with her to never never land saddling me with paying for this "free" phone. I would help her again but not do any of the "free" things as I got singed on that. Live and Learn fo show! I have three more payments and in Brad Hamilton fashion, they(we got two for good measure at $25 per) will be ALL mine.

Either way, GOOD LUCK! on your journey. Any questions i'm an open book. Im sure others have similar experiences as these phone places are mired in the swamp of used car sales and realtors(no offence to the stand up sellers, you are in the minority).