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Barrett-Jackson "holy crap" thread


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The first was was clean, but nothing spectacular. The second was rough and had an accident in the carfax history. I'll bet a clean, well restored GN will bring good $$ in the next few years.
The "3 speed automatic trans" is what brought the extra cashola.........:D
I really like rusted rad cover!:rolleyes:
Another $15K car for twice+ what it's worth, thanks to someone that had more money than sense..........Only helps the value of the remaining cars.
The "3 speed automatic trans" is what brought the extra cashola.........:D
I really like rusted rad cover!:rolleyes:
Another $15K car for twice+ what it's worth, thanks to someone that had more money than sense..........Only helps the value of the remaining cars.

For all you know the guy has 50 million sitting in the bank account. In that case letting a car that you really want go for 15k might not have made sense for him. It's all about perspective.
Chrome engine dress up kit?
That's a turbo heat shield covering the alternator...and it isn't even straight!
Must have been the "paper work" on the seat that commanded the high price That barret jokesonus talks about all the time.
For all you know the guy has 50 million sitting in the bank account. In that case letting a car that you really want go for 15k might not have made sense for him. It's all about perspective.

U R assuming facts not in evidence! I could care less if he had $15M.....
Maybe I should put mine on the block next year. Well modded - yet fairly stock appearing, all new interior, Heath Elmer paint job.....hmmmmmm LOL.

Honestly putting a car up in these auctions is so hit and miss. It all depends on who decides to show up that day and what peaks their interest.
Just saw a GN go for $21,000 on a surviver series special, lot #60 on Barret Jackson, i missed the year it went across though.
Makes me seriously consider selling one there...

To me, it seems as though its the BEST place to get VALUE out of a TR. I've had a big offer on my car which I should've took, but, hindsight is 20/20.
Before you think it's a good place to sell one there take a look at the seller & buyer fee's.... Plus add in the cost of getting it there, food, motel, gas (pulling a trailer) etc, etc.... By the time it's all said and done profit is very marginal Unless you sell it for an astronomical price like the first one mentioned in this post.

I have many friends who have bought & sold cars there and they won't do it again... ;)
scot w. said:
Before you think it's a good place to sell one there take a look at the seller & buyer fee's.... Plus add in the cost of getting it there, food, motel, gas (pulling a trailer) etc, etc.... By the time it's all said and done profit is very marginal Unless you sell it for an astronomical price like the first one mentioned in this post.

I have many friends who have bought & sold cars there and they won't do it again... ;)

I'm well aware, I hear you.