The Clean Energy Scam
Ethanol increases global warming, destroys forests and inflates food prices. So why are we subsidizing it?
The Clean Energy Scam - TIME
Agreed Linux, the thread needs to be moved.
This negative press is just flat out stupid.
Here's some FACTS:
1. We exported more corn in 2007 than in years past.
2. We produced more ethanol than ever in 2007.
3. We fed more corn to livestock in 2007 than ever, which doesn't include the feed that is fed to livestock that is produced from the corn to ethanol process.
4. We had a huge run-over of corn as ever in 2007.
5. The wheat crop in Australia (and other countries) was horrible in 2007 & 2006.
6. China & India are demanding more commodities. Food and oil.
7. The population in the world is growing.
The world population is growing, of course more land is going to be cleared to produce food worldwide.
Look what the Europeans did in Malaysia in the past two years by literally burning down rain forest solely for producing an oil producing plant and not even using the biomass as fuel to produce energy. The just started it on fire to get rid of it. That is actually a true tradgedy.
How many people in the world do you know that actually eat #2 yellow field corn?
I wish more people would use their common sense and quit believing everything they read in the media and actually do some reasearch.
I'll gladly spend my tax dollars here at home, while creating many jobs, instead of paying more over time to the Middle East.
Again, let's move this thread to the political forum.