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Big KR at launch?


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Tim Cucci

May 24, 2001
Got my SMC kit installed and set up. Pump Speed is 7. Spray on at 15psi.92 Thrasher. Fresh rebuild with P/P iron heads.
I can run 21lb. on top end with 0 kr but when I do a launch from 5psi the car does instant spool and blows the tires away and I saw 35* kr. I see big kr on all my launches. Nothing is audible to my ear. The car is awsome but I am worried about the knock whether it is real or not or if it is just the jolting of the drive train and wheelspin. What can I do to find this problem and calm it down?
I doubt it is the alky system. Does it do this with racegas also? If so it is false knock. Most likely your motor mounts are shot, or something on the engine is hitting something when the motor torques over. Your crank would be at the starting line by now if it was real I think
It's not likely you are getting true knock at launch. First gear is pretty safe because there is no load.

You need a chip that will ignore knock for the first 3 seconds.

The Ramchargers Extender chip will do that.

BTW the knock sensor might be in too tight. Try installing it with 7 (double check me on that number) pounds of torque.

Sounds like you are getting ready to ROCK!!

Once you have it all dialed in, come back and let us know your final combination. (turn on point, alchy mix, pump speed, kind of gas, nozzle size, etc)

We love success stories!!! :)
Originally posted by Turbo__Tim
It's not likely you are getting true knock at launch. First gear is pretty safe because there is no load.

You need a chip that will ignore knock for the first 3 seconds.

The Ramchargers Extender chip will do that.

BTW the knock sensor might be in too tight. Try installing it with 7 (double check me on that number) pounds of torque.
I had something bump on a hard launch/10 psi and had 7 kr, but it was at 10 mph :rolleyes: , and no knock the rest of the run.

Double check on that knock sensor, I believe it is 14 lb-ft install.

I have the Extender in the GN along with the Trans + and the kr ignore and everything about the chip works well :cool:
Thanks for the correction on the knock sensor. I was half way right..:)

Got crs syndrome lately (can't remember sh!t)

I agree with the extender, and Trans + combination. Obviously it is working for you. Good job!
I just got rid of 8-12 degrees of knock retard (at higher speed, just before shift points) by retorquing my knock sensor to 168 inch pounds of torque (14 ft pounds) :D Its worth a try!

It takes a 15/16 short socket. Good luck :)