like i said im no detective but all the workers there looked young 20's and they got a chance to take this for a spin, i woulda did the same shit but u dumb bastards!!!!! AT LEAST LOOK AT THE MOTOR AND NOTICE A ELECTRIC FAN WITH WIRES RUNNING TO MY DASH lol and for crying out loud i have the scanmaster AND a water temperature gauge. the car got so hot the top radiator hose split like a fat guys pants when he bends over not at the clamp. all i could think about is some fool flooring my motor and its already at 250+ degrees. and the worst part is a body shop in detroit where i used to live did the body work, i was trippin out everyday like man someones gonna steal it but they did a great job, great price, gave it to me safe and sound then maacos in garden city i wasnt even sweatn it, gives it to me without the lube go figure lol