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Board preference: Less features and FASTER, or more features and SLOWER?


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Would you prefer:

  • FAST board with few features

    Votes: 31 75.6%
  • SLOWER board with lots of features

    Votes: 10 24.4%

  • Total voters

Buick From Hell

Staff member
May 29, 2001
This board is getting slower and slower, to the point it's frustrating to use! I quit going to the Corvette forum altogther simply because the board was so damn slow, it wasn't worth waiting around for.

I wonder how many regulars on AREN'T regulars any more for the same reason??

I just bought a '96 Lincoln, and found a board just for the Lincoln Mark VIII's. The board isn't nearly as "bling-bling" as this board, but it's MORE than adequete for it's purpose. BUT--what most impresses me, is that even on my 46k dialup, every page on the board loads almost instantly!! Check it out yourself, just do some lurking and see how fast the board itself works compared to THIS board:

No offense to Bruce or anyone else, but I seriously believe the slow board may be keeping people from coming back...:(

what do YOU think?
how about...

choice C. get a couple more faster servers and have all the features/users you want

and for those of you who have dialup and have access to cable/dsl...what are you waiting for!!!:D

No offense to Bruce or anyone else, but I seriously believe the slow board may be keeping people from coming back...:(

what do YOU think? [/B]

What features do we have,,please explain....
I have been on boards run buy kids that are faster with more features

So ask me if it pushing people to the other board,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hell yeah,and more will follow
This board is slow as hell today but the "other" board seems to slow down once in a while too. It's not my end, I'm on DSL and all other sites seem to come up real fast. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, I can see how it could turn people away.
...just a suggestion from a pc dummy.....

I really liked it when you could post pics in the thread. This was very helpfull. It is my understanding, (correct me if I'm wrong) that being able to do so was expensive because of bandwidth it required and the servers to do it were also expensive. What if you wanted to post a pic, you had to pay a 5$ a year user fee. There are 10,000 people here and if say, 20% of the people paid the fee then you would roughly have about 10 grand to update the site. The people who didn't visit the site on a regular basis or who have no interest in posting a pic would still benefit because of the better equipment and the site would still be free to everyone........just a thought........any feedback?
most of the time with this board it makes no difference if you are on a high speed connection........dial up is just as cable connection was down on Sun so I hooked up the dial difference (on this board...everything else was way slow)

I know Bruce gets tired of hearing people complain, so I say charge a user fee and get the speed up 24/7 instead of ignoring the problem (or sticking one's head in the sand...)

Bruce, I am not "complaining", but as some have said, sometimes the thing is unbearable and I'll usually just go elsewhere
most of the time for me this board is ok...i am a patient person to begin with even on a cable connection like i am on...and this board doesn't even have NEARLY as many features as all the other boards out there...granted those boards have way more support than the TR community does but still...we just have way more people browsing on this board then say 1 year ago...with more and more people coming to this board you have to keep up with the servers...maybe we can get some kind of donation thing going to help pay for another server or something...not sure but all i know is that it's gonna get slower and slower with more people joining like crazy...guess our community is finally starting to get popular with the general car crowd!
Re: Re: Board preference: Less features and FASTER, or more features and SLOWER?

Originally posted by AsphaltAnihil8r
What features do we have,,please explain....
I have been on boards run buy kids that are faster with more features
I was thinking the same thing. This board currently disallows pictures in posts, file attachments & pictures in signatures. Getting rid of the small avatars and smileys will speed up the board?
Probably one of the features slowing it down is the "whos online" feature. One of my favorites, so I hope I didnt just create its demise. I also really wish we had image tags and could post pics, that was great. I don't even really notice if its slow, as most of the boards I hang out on are. Always willing to support the site, whatever happens though.
It was faster when We had it and it was faster when Jason and Chris had it. At that time it was hosted on the same server as A MUCH larger and busier site and they were on the same server. MY educated guess is that the connection or the firewall does not have enough throughput. It is slow on my T1 here. Or maybe the memory in the server is not expensive top end stuff these BBS programs are memory hogs.
Mike Licht
Seems to me a few weeks ago Bruce said he had new or additional servers that would be on line about now? Hopefully he will refresh my memory, but I know they have been ordered.
"Powered by: vBulletin version 2.0.0" ...maybe this board is the 'hotair slug' of bulletin boards? ;)

If I remember, the old board was an "infopop" board, and the Mark VIII board is a "DCForum" board....

anyone know anything about "boards" in general?
B*tch, B*tch, B*tch...

I remember when I was in college (not too long ago!), I linked to the school's mainframe with a 2800 baud modem. Listing the contents of some directories from a UNIX command prompt took half an hour. Now, I find myself getting impatient if it takes more than five seconds to load a page from the internet...

Jeez! :p
Here's an idea....

Get yourselves a second video card and a second monitor. That way, you can be loading two sites simultaneously. Or Three or four :)

Thats what I do :) Really.
Nobody more pissed than I.

We are on it first thing in the morning. We are yelling as loud as I can. I am sooo pissed and I will find out WTF is going on. Hang in there. I do not have time to chase these guys all day long. I have a job. This is secondary. If you feel it is too slow and that is the reason for deseration, then go now, I do not want you. Your loss. I am at the mercy of others. I have to rely on OTHER people which I hate , but that is the way it has to be right now. It also doesn't help that our webmaster just in the last two weeks , has been moving his family. Remember those people? Family. We have them too you know and they would like some of our time too.
Don't mean to sound negative , but Man, gimme a break. I am open to offers to Buy or take it over if you so think I am so incompentent.
Once you are behind the scenes, your whole outlook would be different. Mike Licht hit it closer than the rest of you. But what he didn't consider and take in to consideration, is the fact when he owned and ran the site it only had 1/4 of the members and 1/4 of the traffic. This has become a hinderance in itself. I should be the one cryin as I laid out the money for the new server. ME! Out of my pocket. If you think Vendor monies took care of this you are very much mistaken. Tommorrow morning I gave them ultimatum.
My site is up and running with the speed and accuracy I paid for , or to court we go and I move it.
WTF else do you all want me to do?

Here email this addy with all your complaints and bitches. I want you and invite you to.


Flaming pissed off
WE4 admin
Re: Nobody more pissed than I.

Originally posted by WE4
We are on it first thing in the morning. We are yelling as loud as I can. I am sooo pissed and I will find out WTF is going on. Hang in there. I do not have time to chase these guys all day long. I have a job. This is secondary. If you feel it is too slow and that is the reason for deseration, then go now, I do not want you. Your loss. I am at the mercy of others. I have to rely on OTHER people which I hate , but that is the way it has to be right now. It also doesn't help that our webmaster just in the last two weeks , has been moving his family. Remember those people? Family. We have them too you know and they would like some of our time too.
Don't mean to sound negative , but Man, gimme a break. I am open to offers to Buy or take it over if think I am so incompentent.
Once you are behind the scenes, your whole outlook would be different. Mike Licht hit it closer than the rest of you. But what he didn't consider and take in to consideration, is the fact when he owned and ran the site it only had 1/4 of the members and 1/4 of the traffic. This has become a hinderance in itself. I should be the one cryin as I laid out the money for the new server. ME! Out of my pocket. If you think Vendor monies took care of this you are very much mistaken. Tommorrow morning I gave them ultimatum.
My site is up and running with the speed and accuracy I paid for , or to court we go and I move it.
WTF else do you all want me to do?

Here email this addy with all your complaints and bitches. I want you and invite you to.


Flaming pissed off
WE4 admin

Gee a simple; "relax,we're working on youze dumb mutts" would've suited me just fine.:D
Gotta get back the N/Y state of mind bro'.:p
Re: Nobody more pissed than I.

Originally posted by WE4
We are on it first thing in the morning. We are yelling as loud as I can. I am sooo pissed and I will find out WTF is going on. Hang in there. I do not have time to chase these guys all day long. I have a job. This is secondary. If you feel it is too slow and that is the reason for deseration, then go now, I do not want you. Your loss. I am at the mercy of others. I have to rely on OTHER people which I hate , but that is the way it has to be right now. It also doesn't help that our webmaster just in the last two weeks , has been moving his family. Remember those people? Family. We have them too you know and they would like some of our time too.
Don't mean to sound negative , but Man, gimme a break. I am open to offers to Buy or take it over if think I am so incompentent.
Once you are behind the scenes, your whole outlook would be different. Mike Licht hit it closer than the rest of you. But what he didn't consider and take in to consideration, is the fact when he owned and ran the site it only had 1/4 of the members and 1/4 of the traffic. This has become a hinderance in itself. I should be the one cryin as I laid out the money for the new server. ME! Out of my pocket. If you think Vendor monies took care of this you are very much mistaken. Tommorrow morning I gave them ultimatum.
My site is up and running with the speed and accuracy I paid for , or to court we go and I move it.
WTF else do you all want me to do?

Here email this addy with all your complaints and bitches. I want you and invite you to.


Flaming pissed off
WE4 admin

Calm down Bruce before you blow a head gasket!:eek: I see where you're coming from and can definitely understand your frustration as I'm sure others can...... Bottom line is you're not getting what you paid for and we all can attest to that! None of this is your fault so please don't take it that way when you hear people complaining about the server's performance on here.... Hopefully the problem is solved and all will be well.....

Have a few beers, smoke a joint, and/or do whatever else you have to do to relax:D
Life is too short to be pissed off and stressed out all the time!!!

Take care of yourself:)
i am actually quite happy to have the board regardless how slow it is...maybe i am just more patient that most people...even with's all good, now if the site took 5 minutes to load one page or something then i would be concerned!