Thanks for asking Butch (somebody was actually interested in my "tranny shift-kit saga"!). (Wasnt able to post the last few days with the holidays and all.)
I recieved a couple of valve bore plugs in the mail from Bruce Monday. (If you recall, I had noticed that there was no plug for my line bias valve. All the books I had looked at showed one, you guys verified for me, so I knew that was one obvious problem.
It was Christmas Eve, I had one last shot at giving myself a Christmas present.
I brought the VB inside, put in the line bias plug, replaced the JW parts with Superior and took time to thouroghly clean every part I touched. The holes drilled in the seperator plate and the plug in the 1-2 accumulator from the JW kit, I left alone.
The Superior kit showed a couple other holes to drill in the plate(that I could have done), but one hole that I had already drilled from the JW instructions, Superior didnt show. So I figured just leave it alone for now.
I left the 2-3 throttle valve spring from the JW kit in, I dont know why, I just did, even though I put the stock 3-4 accum. spring back in (?crazy).
I also wound up putting the small TV spring in. I know Alan, you said not to. If this was a rebuilt tranny I wouldnt have done it, but my logic was telling me since this kit according to the box was for correcting 2004R problems (i.e. not rebuilt trannys) maybe the 2 TV springs (big and little) work together. Besides, this was the last time messing with this tranny as far as I was concerned, so it needed every little bit of help it could get.(Plus the sm spring did not seem extremely stiff compared to stock).
I didnt do the Servo spring that came in the kit and the one front pump priming spring that it said to do if they werent already doubled up.
Also, Alan, I couldnt get the Sonnax .500 PR valve to go in, so I just put the .471 from the Superior kit. Do you have to bore the hole out first?
Anyway, did I take long enough? Okay.... I knew from the first block I drove that there was an improvement. I went ahead and got on the pedal and burned in 1st then scratched into 2nd. Id say yes there was an improvement, and no delayed shifts at WOT which was the original problem before the shift kit saga started.
THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP GUYS. Im sure if I can figure out what all these VB springs and the holes in the seperator plate actually do, there might be another couple of ways to configure the setup for more improvement. However, It does feel better than ever now and and was able to drive it on Christmas!
P.S. I dont know if any of the problem actually had anything to do with the JW kit or just the valve bore plug
. I guess if Im bored one day I could put the JW stuff back in to see
since Im now a "shift kit expert"
,anyone need a kit put in?