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BRF street/strip trans perfect for a daily driver


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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2001
Trans is all BRF, with the correct governor and valvebody.
This unit has a hardened and welded drum, and a hardened input shaft.
Has new switches, 10 vane pump, 500 & 300 boost valves, ring kit, modded 694 servo, a baffle for fluid control, and has a built in drainplug as well.
Shifts will be crisp and quick with this unit. Easy mid/low 11 second capable trans, but would be perfect for a daily driver.
This trans could be used with any fresh restalled stock converter, as this one will not shift quite as firm as my more "race" type builds..
No transbrake on this one.
Price is $1700 + $150 shipping.
No core needed in return, and this is ready to ship!

Feedback can be viewed in the feedback area. Search under, brian or Brian Hofer.
Thank you very much...
Somebody needs to buy this thing quick.....before I do just to have a spare. You will not be disappointed!!!
this is basically identical to the build I got from Brian for my car, correct me if wrong Brian...

shifts very quickly and crisply at part throttle, yet very smooth. You can hear the rpms drop instantly, but no jerk at low throttle input. When you jump on it, it will give a decent chirp on the 1-2, and sometimes even chirp the 2-3. Overall, very solid feeling, not harsh at all on the street. Overall, I really like it.

That's about all, just figured I'd toss in my .02... I would offer to let people in the Chicago area drive it, but its in storage until May. :cool: