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Broken Bone


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Active Member
May 31, 2001
Any broken bone experienced people here?

How long for a simple broken foot bone to heal?

They just put me in a soft cast 9 days ago and by now I can already begin to put maybe 10% of my body weight on it with no pain. However, it will still hurt big time if I tweak it just right with only 1% of my body.

When will I walk again :mad:
Broke my ankle 9 months ago. Not a severe break, maybe a 2 or 3 on a 10 scale. But it took about 6 weeks to heal and another 6 to 8 weeks to be able to comfortably walk. Still doesn't feel 100% perfect when I run.
6 weeks in non-weight bearing areas. it completly depends on what type of fracture. if it was in a soft cast , it was most likely hairline. in that case, 8-14 weeks since its weight bearing.

and before someone asks, the site of injury, usually repairs itself to be stronger than the pre injury site.
Thanks for the experiences.

Broken 5th metatarsal. It is a clean and in-place break.

Slipped on some loose wet rocks - hardly roughed it up and did not even fall when I slipped but I hear a SNAP - then pain.

6 weeks is what the doctor told me. After a week and it still was swollen and super sensitive and I was thinking I am going to be down for over a month but it seems to be healing fast.

I can already tell it will not feel right for some long time but I think I will be walking in less than 6 week - I hope
That sucks, Steve. Missed you at the last bench race, and I guess we won't be seeing you this weeked at Cecil County either, hmmm? Get well soon.
I only broke one bone and it took 6 weeks to heal and another 4 weeks of therophy.