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Buick Performance Weekend at Englishtown, NJ


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Dennis, it was nice meeting and talking a little bit with you last weekend at "E-Town"...:wink: I found the car show quite impressive but I read some other posts in which a few Buick owners seemed unhappy with it...Maybe I missed something...:confused:


Claude. :smile:
Next year labor day weekend raceway park , everyone on the buick site need to rally together and bring back the buick performance weekend and Hemmings .......... what does everyone say?????
You bet they need to bring back buick performance weekend!!!! I have gone to BPW for 17 years and look foward to every year!!!
I did enjoy past years going to the Buick Performance weekend at E town and seeing Buick's all over. I show my cars quiet a bit ever summer and I've noticed less and less turbo Buick's or even any Buick's out at the shows. Same goes for all the local tracks. Numbers are way down. Seems the last 5 years it's been a slow decline. I think this crap economy was the knife in the back. Many racers that were racing on a shoe string budget don't have the funds and even the show guys just are keeping the cars in the garage all summer and maybe going to one or two shows all year.

The thing that killed e town I think was last year with that crappy weather. The turn out was really light and the car show turn out was bad. Rained over night and into the early morning that year. So this along with the economy is not good. I was very happy to see a big turn out in Ohio at the BPG event and even with crap weather I heard Bowling Green was pretty busy. I think guys are just going to one or two track events rather going to them all.

I hope e town don't go away and comes back but what MAGNA has done is teamed up with Tri-State GS Club & Northeast GS/GN Club and we are having a huge Buick event at Cecil every year now. I for one don't want to see an east coast ALL Buick judged show go away so that's why I was glad to be on board with them. This is our first show and first year doing it so all you east coast guys please come out!

We have some really good goodie bags to hand out, dash plaques to the first 125 cars, Kirban Performance has sent us a nice box off door prizes and CD's/DVD's for the bags, We have Meguiars, Hemmings, and Stoner on board for goodies as well. Should be a fun time. It's a nice cool time of year to take your car out for one last cruise as well! :cool:

So that is my contribution to keeping some sort of east coast all Buick race and show going around here! Here is more on the event...
I hear you about the low turn out at E-town. I hope to pick up a inclosed trailer in the near future to get to some of the other events.:) Thanks for your hard work on the new buick events.
It is extremely doubtful you will see another BPW at Etown as the numbers simply are not there plain and simple and Etown will not give us a weekend when no one shows up car count wise, it's a waste and not profitable for them.

John Csordas and the NE folks have done a great job of BPW over the years as well as at Cecil, I remember John taking money out of his own pocket a few years ago at Cecil to order pizza when he found out the concession stands would not be open.

I have racing at Etown since 1987 and remember all the Buick weekends, Buick vs Mustang and Buick shootouts where the lanes were filled with a sea of balck cars and in it's the heyday every Friday was Buick vs (insert brand here).

It is now 22 years later and the numbers aren't there, guys who raced don't race anymore, guys have sold the cars, not to mention thefts and accidents and people putting the cars away.

I would love to see what was 20 years ago but it ain't going to happen.