Can Someone Help me with my VIN


Syclone Wrecker
Sep 10, 2003
I have tried to look at the VIN decoders and I am just not getting it.

My VIN is 165FW2174KL228186

Originally posted by 91syclone
ya it was at the 500, how did you know that?
Its an early production car. Its number is between 80-150. Probably closer to 100. I just don't know for sure. You should try John Pearcy at as he keeps track of the TTA Registry and knows exactly what number your car is.
I thought you might enjoy knowing who drove VIN # 228186 during the Indy festivities, and what car number (license plate) it was:

The Indy plate number was 135.

The first driver was Steve Flemion 5-11 to 5-12. Don't know who he is/was!

The second driver was Kurt Earlywine, A Valvoline Executive 5-16 to 5-30-1989

How's that for trivia !!!!!!! Turbota.
Good luck with your toy.
Wow, I got plate 134 hanging framed on my wall here in the UK !

turbota, do you have any details of the car and drivers where my plate was used? Would be cool to know.


turbota - Wow, I've never heard anyone have that information can you tell me anything about my car VIN: 1G5FW2173KL227269
I have the PHS stuff that says its car number 81 but thats about it. Thanks

91Syclone - Whats your truck number, mine is 1595.

Damn guys thanks for all the information, this is great. I really apreciate your help. My truck number was 2910
Jan, send me the last six (6) digits of your vin and I will see if I have the "sign - out" sheet for your car.

GMC YA - I do not see your car in the stack of sign - out sheets from the 89 Indy race month. Doesn't mean it was'nt there, just that someone may have removed it for some reason. Was this car (227269) sold to a GM employee in the Detroit area ? if so, it might explain it's absence. Please let me know if you can .
Sorry. Turbota (#70)
91 CY --- Sorry, but I never asked you what info on your VIN you were actually looking for. What is it that you need - Sorry -Turbota.
I would really like to know what number my car is. And who drove my car, but another guy told me that already

ya you are right, sorry about that

so is the 135 my actuall car number or is it just my indy number?

GMC YA - I do not see your car in the stack of sign - out sheets from the 89 Indy race month. Doesn't mean it was'nt there, just that someone may have removed it for some reason. Was this car (227269) sold to a GM employee in the Detroit area ? if so, it might explain it's absence. Please let me know if you can .

I have the car fax on my car, the first entry is with 58,084 miles and its in SC in 91. I guess it could of been sold in the Detroit area but I have no way of knowing. The previous owner sent me and email from the guy who keeps all the records from indy, it states that my car was a festival car, but I didnt keep the email. Thanks

The number I gave you was the Indiy license plate number that was assigned to your car when it arrived at the Festival site at Indy. If you want the correct PAS BUILD NUMBER for your car you need to contact Jim Mattison at Pontiac Historical Services.He has the only Original PAS build sequence list Known. Anyone else is just guessing at it . If you want the true "certified " number it is worth the call. For what it is worth my car's vin is 227087, and the PAS # is 70. I have seen a lot of "speculation" from some second opinion people, but the fact is he has the only real documentation. BTW my car's Indy plate number was 132. Best of luck - Turbota.
Jan - I just realized what you were asking me. Plate # 134 was assigned to car serial number KL227610. It was driven for the entire month of May 1989 by Mr. Charles Marloe. He was a sports commentator for Channel 4 (tv) in Indy.
Sorry for the "Brain Fart" Turbota.