Originally posted by BROKKANIC
Electrical gurus I am in need of some assitance. Here's the situation...
1985 Chevy S10, tailights don't work properly. Here's the kicker....
When the brake pedal is depressed the brake lights come on. However when the headlights or turn signals are switched on, the brake lights stop working. On top of that, when the turn signals are switched on the corresponding reverse light starts to flash. But only when the shifter is in reverse position. Other than that the reverse lights don't come on by themselves. Oh and if all the aforementioned is engaged, everything is dimmed if you turn the wipers on.
Me is thinking that teh shhort is in either the turn signal actuator, the shifter console or the headlight switch.
Any ideas Thanks in advance for any advice! I'll check back later. I gotta p/u the Mrs.
Thanks for any assistance!