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CAR DIED!! no spark, fixing & selling it, I'm done


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Originally posted by Drthv8r
"Wont cause the car to die."

The car will act like it's trying to cut off as in acting weird and if you don't feather the gas just right it will die on you. Once the motor dies it won't start with a bad TPS...been there done that.

if you say so. I've seen hiccup, but never die

"And the check for TPS is shooting some carb cleaner in the motor to get it to kick. Once over 400 RPM the ECM comes OUT of clear flood and the car will start and set a TPS high code"

As of right now I don't believe he's shot any carb cleaner in it to set the code to test the TBS. Just sharing something that happened to me is all.

Well, go buy some :)

Point is, the ECM only goes into clear flood mode if the engine is under 400rpm. If you can get it OVER (thru artificial enrichment) that, the inj PW is restored and the car will start. (Of course, if the problem is/was a bad TPS)
Cool, more help. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but I'm going to take this route. Check for inj pulse, check coil pack and try a swap,then check the crank sensor. If I missed something please chime in. The car cranks very fast when fully charged, but slows down when power starts to fade
Thanks for the offer Kendall, I will try all means by myself first. I did have you in mind for possibly welding end caps on my Ford intercooler. Doubt I will even start that.
I have so many other things that I have to do, and want to do that this car has taken a backseat. Thanks for the assistance. I will keep you posted.
I'm sure this has been forgotten about, but I finally fixed it. Turned out to be the crank sensor. Thanks everyone for all your help.
Old woodsie had the solution 20 minutes after you posted, and it probably took him 18 minutes to type it.
Nah, Jimbo had the answer...I just posted his earlier post...I always start checking stuff but never thought about a logical order...

I liked the format he put it in as it is commonsense and logical.

I learn from these kids.. :)
I have to agree with John. My header cracked open about 2 weeks ago, no boost, no fun.
I'm having trouble getting my header from JaysGN. Aparently there was a huge demand for these drivers side headers made by ATR.
But anyway, I'm hanging in there because Turbo Regals are so fun to drive. I'm expecting to break more parts durring this race season.