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Car Stolen : Sac Ca,


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Its never fast enough !!
May 4, 2008
:mad: My car got stolen this morning out of my driveway.. :( I have full coverage insurance however the car & insurance are in my wifes name.. So the damn Adjuster wont talk to me & they keep askin her ?'s that she knows nothing about..

My car was An under 40,000 miles with every possible bolt on besides heads & headers.. I dont have receipts for everything as I bought some stuff off the forum & CraigsList.. Would it be better to just not mention what I dont have receipts for..

I do however have numerous pics of all install done on car..

They should be speaking to you. All she has to say is "deal with him" and they have to. Provide them with everything even if you don't have receipts. Start looking for similiar cars on autotrader because the first offer will likely be low. You can send them your research to prove why yours is worth more. Feel free to ask me any questions, I've been working in auto insurance claims for 10 years.
That Sucks! I hope they find it for you soon or at least pay you enough for it to be worth the loss. What type of locking devices/clubs did you have installed on the car? Did you have a column lock insalled?
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Makes me feel even luckier considering the recent theft attempts of my '87 GN.

It might do some good to post the VIN # here so we enthusiasts can keep an eye out for the car and/or parts which may come from the car which match the VIN#. If we find a matching block #, for exampe, you can be alerted as to the seller, thus possibly have the insurance company take some legal action.

No matter what, these cars are targets for theives. I learned this very quickly after gettng mine.

I'm just lucky to still have mine at this point and drive it as much as possible so I never forget the feeling I get from driving it. These are bitchin' cars, as you already know.

Please keep us posted as to your experience with your insurance company and the hopeful recovery of your vehicle.


Eric McCann
Germantown, WI
Nothin from the police yet, But the adjuster is still refusing to speak to me. So when she talks she just ask's me everything he ask's her.. and I answer..
I hope I dont get shafted, Honestly I have so much time into my car Idk what the heck to do honestly kind of lost..

As for security I only had a steering wheel Club & the stock anti theft system, Not much security on it because I never drove it & the first time I left it outside I mean Literally the first time I left it out,, GONE :mad:

I know I'm not gonna Get it back its been to long already & I had just installed all kind of new parts.. :frown: :(
sorry to hear this. hope you get it back one way or another.
Wow how long did you leave it sit for before you noticed it was missing? What time of the day did it turn up missing?
Kinda happened like this, My harley broke down & I had to get picked up so the bike was on a trailer.. I didnt want to leave my bike outside on a trailer so I rolled my GN outside maybe about 10:30pm & my wife was up by 6:00am & the car was gone..

I live in Elk grove,Ca which Is a very nice suburb, But I guess thieves target good areas not bad ones....
I can't believe that claims adjuster is being such an a$$ and won't talk to you. Do you mind saying what insurance company? As long as the owner gave permission, I'd talk to anyone they wanted me to as long as it helped me settle the claim.
Sorry to hear of your loss, hope that you get it back, and do not let that insurance appraiser / adjuster talk to your wife alone under any circumstances. He's not there to help you.
This sucks to hear i hope you get it back as this just happend to me and the car was recoverd the next day but it sucked to deal with the ins. company as stated above dont let the adjuster talk to your wife without you my adjuster had called my wife when i wasn't home and he says to her 86 Regal well we are going to total it:eek: so she says to him stroke me a check for 14k whick is in the KBB and come and get it he says its a Regal she says yea an 86 Regal Grand National he mummbles a couple of words then says thats a different story:biggrin: they fixed it and now back home
Sorry to hear of your loss, hope that you get it back, and do not let that insurance appraiser / adjuster talk to your wife alone under any circumstances. He's not there to help you.

This is absolutely the best advice you will recieve. The adjuster is there to protect the Insurance companys assets and pay you as little as possible.
Do not be afraid to get hold of their supervisor if you have to. Keep tabs on them as they will try to drag this whole thing out.
Did you get me PM btw?
Good luck and sorry for your loss.
Kinda happened like this, My harley broke down & I had to get picked up so the bike was on a trailer.. I didnt want to leave my bike outside on a trailer so I rolled my GN outside maybe about 10:30pm & my wife was up by 6:00am & the car was gone..

I live in Elk grove,Ca which Is a very nice suburb, But I guess thieves target good areas not bad ones....

I'll keep my eye's peeled for it down this way......which I'm sure is where it ended up. Sorry about your loss man.
sorry about your lost. i had my stolen over a year ago, with my trailer, and the funny thing i got a letter from the sherrif's dept. asking if the car should still be considered stolen. jajajja go figure :eek:
The adjuster is there to protect the Insurance companys assets and pay you as little as possible. Keep tabs on them as they will try to drag this whole thing out.

You couldn't be more wrong. The adjuster is there to settle the claim at a fair amount. Any offer that an insurance company makes is based on something. A total loss offer is usually based on a few dozen similiar vehicle sales in the local region. It's illegal for an insurance company or their employees to say "This car may be worth $10k, but I'm just going to offer $5k to try and save the company some money". Usually the issues with classic cars are because there are not many sales to compare your vehicle to. And like someone mentioned above, the adjuster doesn't understand the value of a particular vehicle like a n/a Regal vs. a GN.

An insurance company has no benefit to drag out a claim. Few insurance companies make money from the premium they collect. They make money by investing. The more claims they have open means that they have to keep more money stored in reserve to pay for open claims. This means they have less money to invest. There is constant pressure on adjusters to close claims. A common phase in the industry is that "a closed claim is a good claim", even if you had to overpay to get rid of the claim.
:( Still Nothing. :(

Well I'm gonna start looking for somethin else so if any1 see's any good deals please let me know..