Caspers Boost Sensing Harness for Turbolink.


New Member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm about to order ten kits from them because all the guys that bought the Turbolinks wanted them. If I can get enough people intrested I'll get them. This isn't an attempt to make money its just another attempt to hook you guys up. So, if I order 10 kits from them I can get them to you for 40+ship+PP. Let me know what you guys think. Ill place order later tonight or in the morning.
I'll take one!

Thanks! Let me know when they arrive, I'll include the paypal fee from my last order with this one. Thanks again, John Lynn.:cool:
Right on. The only way that they will make more of them is if someone orders a ten minimum. so $400 would suck ass for one.. I just know that once sell all of them that someone will want one. I placed the order and will pay for it the next day they are open. I believe that they will be started on monday.