Caspers xfi extender

The old thread syndrome. More and more of these are being resurrected...guys must be bored!
Not bored, just doing some research. My welder was a higher up guy (I thought he was the owner. He portrayed himself to be anyways) in this little fabrication company down the street. I stumbled upon him about 5 years ago or more. He had every certification in the book, and would take small modification projects. He could weld cast iron, aluminum, anything. He was an oustanding resource. I just recently learned he doesn't work for the company any more and I thought that was fishy. I wanted to find him online to see where he went, so I could take my projects to him again. Did a little research and found he got into a little trouble. While reading, I found his name contained within an obituary. It was his father apparently. As I looked closer, the picture of his father was of him in a hat-with a power 6 logo on it. Said he was an avid "quarter mile racer". Well, if you partake in that and have a power 6 hat on, you're probably on this board. I typed in his name and found this thread. I know he died a while back but was just on here seeing if anyone knew him, or his son. Basically just a curiosity.
It's a really small world. It really sucks that I don't have him as a resource any more. He was right down the street, took any job, and was really cheap. :(