What would I need to change in my '87 Iroc to make a 3.8 "complete motor" work? Right now the Iroc has a L98 from an '89 Vette w/ a painless wiring kit. I figure that I'll have to change the heads, get the exhast manifolds for a TTA, Change to a different fuel pump, run the complete wiring harness from '87 GN. Will I need to change the intercooler or are the the same from a GN to a T/A? How about the downpipe? Anybody else done this swap? How'd it go?
I'm really interested in doing this swap, I've spent way too much on my '87 IROC just to sell it and that's what I've thought about doing since Dumping all that $ and it's still slower than the GN!
I'm really interested in doing this swap, I've spent way too much on my '87 IROC just to sell it and that's what I've thought about doing since Dumping all that $ and it's still slower than the GN!