I've been reading up on how the cannister works. The cannister collects fumes & only releases them into the intake manifold when 3 conditions are met; 1. engine temperature is at a predetermined range, 2. the transmission is in either 3rd or 4th gear, & 3. the speed is above 45 or 40 mph.
These conditions seem to me to be making a bomb in a TR that is occasionally started in the garage & warmed up without driving it. I'm aware of at least 1 GN owner who hasn't driven his for 3 years.
I'm considering rerouting the vent line from the tank to the cannister to have it vent in the vicinity of the tank fill cap & deep sixing the canister.
Can't just remove the canister, because the fumes would then be being released in the engine compartment - I know of 1 previous GN owner who lost his GN due to enough heat or an exhaust leak igniting the fumes (he also had a lot of fire damage to his home).