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Yes, "Most" things are possible. :biggrin:
Question it impossible? Thats the real question here right?
V8'sHAHA said:
Question it impossible? Thats the real question here right?

Or rather, is it improbable? What the hell are we talking about again? :confused:
Let me see if I can clear this up for everyone.

Is it possible? Yes, unless you think it is not, then it is no.
Is it impossible? No, but if you say it is then it is, so yes.
Is it probable? No, but maybe yes.
Is it improbable? Yes, unless it is actually true then it's no.
If a butterfly flaps it's wings in the Rockies and a tree falls in Japan did it crush a Honda and did it make a sound?

Clear as mud? Good.
chrisgarrett said:
Experience has shown that very little is possible at But that doesn't mean I won't go back.


this board needs more smilies, I had to steal that one from :o