chip burner?

Has anyone tried the Epromer-4? It's $91.50 shipped and sometimes even cheaper on ebay. I can live with no case, 15V power and even DOS if it works.

Sorry to bother you, with a reply to an old post, but I'm looking for the software for the EMP-10 programmer. I have an EMP-10, but can't find the software I had. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

Thanks for the link, but that version of the software does NOT support the EMP-10. I'm still on the hunt if anyone can help...
I used to have an EMP-10. I might have the software in a drawer somewhere, Ill look and see. I figured all their software was "All In One".
Is this one of the old Needham boards ? (Needhams is out of businees now)
The one that plugs into an ISA slot and has a ribbon cable that connects to a chip socket ?

If Jay cant find his let me know. We have a few Needham programmers for burning eproms for some of our older products.

I remember having problems a few years ago when the shop upgraded the pcs
to WinXP and had to get a new driver for the PB-10/EMP-10.

I think I was using this one was when I was tweaking programs for my GN but got bored with it and bought an extender instead.
Yeah, it's an old Needham EMP-10. Haven't used it in 10 years and lost the software. Trying to get it running again. I still haven't gotten a hold of the right software so any help will be appreciated.

Yeah, it's an old Needham EMP-10. Haven't used it in 10 years and lost the software. Trying to get it running again. I still haven't gotten a hold of the right software so any help will be appreciated.


send me a pm with your email addy and Ill send you something to try out