Cold isn't it? (picture inside)...

J Banning

Quench my thirst with C16
May 25, 2001
Sure has been getting cold lately hasn't it? I heard that we got some snow flurries this morning back home. Luckily for me, I wasn't there. I was in DAYTONA!!!!....


I don't want to go home!
nice car, some day im gonna get that paint job. as far as being cold, ha. i was running 16 pounds of boost on thanksgiving, well tonight i was cruising on the highway and jumped on it, 21 freaking pounds. its like 10 degrees out here right now. i almost hit the friggin divider. :D
Thanks, but the camera plays tricks on my car from time to time... a tropical dellusion of sorts. :)
Who's the fugly model standing by your car? :D Hope your having fun. Enjoy it while you can, it looks like it's going to be a long winter.
Should be in upstate NY right now. Lake effect snow causing massive white-outs. My boss hit a nasty patch saturday night with his truck, couldnt see and ended up head-on into a tree at about 55mph. (he did manage to walk away from it tho).
I got up this morning and it was about 16°. If you counted the freaking 35mph winds, it was pretty darn cold!

Oh, and did I mention I hate you?!?! ;)
Originally posted by J Banning
I don't want to go home!

You sure don't-- it was about 25 in center city for the morning commute! Brrr....

Supposed to have a snow storm rolling into town this weekend as well. Might want to come back early!

Nice Car! You must have gotten one of those expensive paint jobs from Maco!?

btw, every morning this week it was in the high 20s and low 30s in DC!;)

Have fun!