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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004

Anybody interested in some collectable Turbo Buick literature?
1. ANS Performance Turbo Cotroller ad 99?
2. Kenne Bell hi-lo chip instructions wwith mini ad 97?
3. Baby Grand magazine tear out Car Craft April 1984
4. Muscle Cars December 1989 GNX 66
5. Muscle Cars July 1989 The Gran(d) Tradition
6. SuperCar Oct 1988 They only come out at Night
7. Muscle Car Jan 1989 End of an Era
8. Car Craft Jan 1989 Intercooled Turbo Buick
9. Muscle Car May 1990 Turbo Buick Hop Up
10. Popular Hot Rodding November 1985 Buick Grand National
11. Car Craft July 1995 Gn vs. Mustang
12. Car Craft December 1994 Turbo Timing HKS GN
13. Hot Rod December 1989 Lawrence Conley HyperTech GN
14. Hot Rod May 1986 King of the Streets T TType
15. Muscle Car Jan 1989 Last GN
16. Hot Rod December 1990 Brutal Buicks
17. Car Craft June 1990 Ain't it Grand?
18. Muscle Car Jan 1991Buick vs Mustang
19. Buick Power Source Manual
20. 1984 Warranty Assistance vinned and addressedaddressed woth envelope
21. 1984 Maintenance Schedule some writing in back
22. MIC General GM Insurance pamphlet. 1984
23. Goodyear trunk spare pamphlet
24. Electronic Fuel Injection Diagnosis Pamphlet
25. GoodYear Limited warranty pamphlet
26. 1984 Buick Regal Owners Manual
27. Delco GM Listening Manual
28. Kenne Bell The Buick Slecialist 1986-1987 ad
29. Buicks at Bristol September 2000
30. Kirban Performance mini ad 2005
31. Kirban Prformance Products 2002
32. TA Performace Catalog 2001?
33. Precision Turbo Buick Catalog 2003
34. TR Parts Connection Catalog 1998?
35. Bowling Green Customs Catalog 1999?
36. Postons Catalog 1999
37. Postons Catalog 2002
38. Postons Catalog 2005
39. ATR Catalog 2001
40. ATR Catalog 2002
41. ATR Catalog 2003
Guys, I'm taking offers on the complete set. I do have a lot of offers if I split it up but would rather sell together. If your wanting it all, seriously just make a good offer.
I'll just put a price out there for everything. $225 plus shipping. Can be shipped using media mail so shipping should be too bad.