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converting to intercooled


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Now do you own a 86 GN or do you own an 84-85 GN? If you have a hot-air car then sperco makes a i/c kit.
It depends if he wants a kit that comes complete and don't have to cut much up. The sperco is a good kit from what I hear. I dont mind cutting and hacking it up so I went a different route.
I have a Turbomotion V2 intake which relocates the tb to the front of the intake and uses a modified 86-87 ic along with piping and accesssories.
The kit is brand new. I want $1200 for it. Thats the same price that spearco charges for the ic and pipe alone.
If I dont get a buyer buy tuesday I'm just gonna put it on ebay.
Have your friend buy the the turbomotion kit. Very high demand for them. I have one and everyone wants to buy my intake that came with it.