Its always blame this or that.. bottom line your racing an engine.. and when you put a **** load of boost through a motor.. sooner or latter stuff will let go. Alky or not. I have a brand new Jeep Liberty.. I wouldnt floor this thing.. yet I take my car out and hammer on it till the cows come home.. when it breaks.. so what.. I did it.. and I go and fix it.
What if you blow the line to the fuel pressure regulator at 30 PSI boost.. get the broom and shovel. So who's fault was that
The hose MFG fault.. The fuel pressure regulator MFG fault.. Buicks Fault.. No.. its your fault for having 20 year old hoses and not replacing them.. then zip tie them down.
Alcohol has more octane than C16. Look at Top Alcohol Dragsters
And when injected.. you only need to replace 15-20% of your fueling to stop the detonation.. the kits can do that without issue.
Now.. it needs to be maintained.. checked.. if not.. just like every other part on your car.. dont cry if it develops an issue. Just like the Walbro in the tank.. Fuel filter.. rubber hoses.. etc.
Alky is not allowed in any of the Buick classes.. it must be taken off.. This is why its not on the cars. Well its capped off.. and there were cars with alcohol injection kits running the classes at BG this year.. just the systems were disconnected.
Hey Grumpy.. how else does Melissa's car run 10.10 on pump gas?
No majic.. be on top of your game.. if your not.. then when things go worng.. blame yourself. Is what it is.