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Cowl Hood for a RX7 ??


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Thread killer
May 24, 2001
Car left here for a 8.8 Ford rear and a cage . Got to thinkin .. eng compartment is HOTTER than hell halucinatining about a cowl hood (2"s) ..just to get some air out .. anyone know where to get one ?? :confused:
Instead of a cowl hood, have you thought about any type of hood vents? has some really nice hood vents that can be used as heat extractors. Over in the right hand column there is a link for vents and air ducts. There are several to choose from. Just a cheap alternative to a hood.
:eek: Lots-o-coin for those! Some how I don't see carbon fibre on one of Grumpy's cars :smile: How about some hood vents off a 3rd gen T/A?
90 bucks compared to how many hundreds for a cowl hood though.

Wheather or not it is ricey or whatever, it can always be prepped and painted and these pieces work wonders. :biggrin:
Dan, I already have it shimmed some in the center. There's a little brown rubber snubber screwed to the cowl. Maybe you can go with alot more. Dave
Sorry Dan. IBM has me on a 12 shift, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I have today off. I'll take some pics. The price I gave you doesn't even cover my paint and shipping expenses, much less the scoop. :rolleyes: Dave C.
DAVID C said:
Sorry Dan. IBM has me on a 12 shift, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I have today off. I'll take some pics. The price I gave you doesn't even cover my paint and shipping expenses, much less the scoop. :rolleyes: Dave C.

Dave I just bought paint the other day for Melissa's roll bar :rolleyes: just mailed ya :p