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crankshaft postion sensor!!!!!!


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One fast Hot Air
Sep 9, 2010
ok so here we go again the famous check engine light again.. after changing the ignition mod, and coil pack new plugs new wires. still no fire up. ( good news all that stuff is new and i wasted money :frown: the bad news the check engine light remains.) now the situation. cranks and wont fire up... well after long hours of research i see that now i need to replace the crank shaft position sensor. now by all mean i dont know what it looks like and i dont even no where its located. please fellow tbers HELP ME!!!!!! what does it cost, were is it located its it hard to put on and will this finally solve my starting up issue. please keep in mind that i have a 86/87 ecu and coil pack and ignition mod. if any of that means any thing... i just want my car to turn on... and stay on. please help.....
but where is it located up front. and will this solve the issue of getting it runnimng at last
but where is it located up front. and will this solve the issue of getting it runnimng at last

It's Located behind the balance and bottom pulley or crank shaft pulley.

Was the car running before those mods? At what point did you get a no start? How did it happened? Are you getting a spark at the plugs?Do you have fuel and pressure?
i am getting spark and i yes its was running after the mods... it just wont start up no more.. well befor it wouldnt start so i went and got a new coil pack and new ingnition mod. and put them on . and when i wen to fire it up its just did the same thing turn over and no start. yes you can smell the fuel when i turn the key. so fuel is passing through. it just wont start. im hoping this will get it to run after changing the crankshaft sensor... buy they way what web site can i go on to find one. auto zone dont carry it neither does advanced or napa. i want my car to run again...
Look at the pictures,it's bolted to the drivers side of the timing cover by the harmonic balancer.
yea im going to print that up since im here at the office. do you think buy switching this out for a new one my car will run again.
i am getting spark and i yes its was running after the mods... it just wont start up no more.. well befor it wouldnt start so i went and got a new coil pack and new ingnition mod. and put them on . and when i wen to fire it up its just did the same thing turn over and no start. yes you can smell the fuel when i turn the key. so fuel is passing through. it just wont start. im hoping this will get it to run after changing the crankshaft sensor... buy they way what web site can i go on to find one. auto zone dont carry it neither does advanced or napa. i want my car to run again...

Check here.
OEM / Aftermarket Replacement - Specializing in automotive interconnect and wiring systems

Now That doe's not mean that the car is going to run. Two things are involed the crank and cam sensor for timing. If you have a spark the car should at least back fire. Try spraying carb spray through the throtle body and see what happens.
well i just called a buddy who gonna come down when i get out of work tonight to hook a scan tool up to it and solve this once and for all. this is the last option and i hope that some good would come out of this. its gonna cost me 50 dollars to do it. but scan tool should tell me what wrong exactly right???? i hope...
i suffered thru the 'bad crank sensor' thing years ago. As it was on it's way out, the troubles were very intermittent, and some days it would start and run fine, others it would start, stall, and not re-fire. Would crank away endlessly if the sensor was not happy. While I can't say for sure that is what your problem is, teh crank sensor could very well be your issue, and it failing would not rally be affected by the other mods you mentioned.

I don't know if you will get a good code from scanning that, to tell you the truth. I don't think I ever saw a Check Engine light when mine was failing, stuff just stopped working. I wonder if you might have an unrelated code stored? Will be interesting to see what comes from the scan.
well i am hoping that it is just the crank sensor and like you said the endles turring over is a horriable feeling. but i just gotta keep at it. if i cant get it to run by this week im sending it to a shop. i have had it and im fed up. 1 month trying to figure this out. and thats the last straw man. this car has become a nightmare.
Ah, hang in there. You got fuel, and air obviously, so that leaves the spark to fire it off. I have to think that you're getting really close to solving this. Good Luck!
well thanks man just keep following the turbo buick steps i guess i just hope that when i get the part i can put it on and hear it fire up for the first time. see i heard it running the day i bought it. it was after i got it home it never fired again... and that was on feb 24th. its now april 4th and still wont start,. ahhhhh (pulls hair)
well today april 05 2011. the Gn was sent to the shop to find out what the hells wrong with it... i will post up on this thread as soon as i hear from them today on what the issue is. and then i will proceed from there. i really wish sometimes i had a normal job that i didnt work 11 hour days 6 days a week. and thats why i cant get her running cuz my job takes to much of my time. and i have intrusted it to a local shop..... will post later what the problem is like i said when they call me with it..
11:19am april o5 2011.... was just told about a hour ago my car was brought in to the shop and was going through a check through... now im sitting hear at my desk restless as to know what the issue is and how much its going to run me... more as the day progress.. update:::::: talked to the mechanic about 10 min ago. and he told me #1 the fuel smells real bad. as almost is its real old. he going to put a set of plugs in now with new wires and see if it will fire up... so now the steps: drain out the tank put new gas in and change plugs and wires.... and i will update with the out come as soon as he calls back...
Plugs and wires are good to do... Def need to run some form of injector cleaner in there as well, and DEFINATELY need to drop in a new fuel filter if that was the issue. Then we'll see what's up!

What was the code, btw....

update: the car is running it need new plugs and a starter...... this is the last post here starting a new thread with a new issue...
update: the car is running it need new plugs and a starter...... this is the last post here starting a new thread with a new issue...

I have been viewing this post waiting for the, did it take them 2 days to find this out?
yes.... and i do have a new thread up now WHITE SMOKE... this is what was found after it was started.... xcheck it out let me know what you think...