Check the crank sensor. That was the issue for me. If it starts up right after it cuts out that can be the problem. It started cutting off every once in a while last summer. This summer it cut off every time after thirty minutes of driving. The car cut off twice going into boost you'd can easly think it was a maf issue cause it fluttered and cut out. It's just a list of diagnostics you have to perform i.e; battery cables to starter, engine grounds, condition of ecu orange wire, harness seated properly to ecu, chip seated properly in ecu, tap maf no stumble not a maf issue, ign coil check ohms, module, fuel pressure blips or dips for fuel pump inconsistencies issues, cam sensor and crank sensor. Start with least difficult to difficult. If it happens to be the crank sensor and you have a new style crank sensor bracket on your engine, its an easy fix.