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Deadbeat seller..... Anyone know this guy?


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Pelennor Fields
Feb 8, 2004

His name is FRANK PARVIN. He resides in Akron Ohio 44309. He has yet to send me my parts which were a set of H&R control arms I bought from him for $430.00. You can see in the post that he states that he received the paypal and was boxing the arms up today which was April 15th. Anyone know who he is or where he can be contacted?

I paypaled him the money and never received a tracking number or email that they shipped. I contacted him (10) days later and advised him that I had not received my control arms I paid for and would like a tracking number so I can track the item.

His response was that his (3) year old flooded the house and he has had no internet connection but that they were packaged and would ship out in a couple of days. What the fuk does an internet connection have to do with shipping parts? Nothing.

I responded back "Couple of days?" "Howbout tomorrow". Never heard back and still no control arms.

If FRANK PARVIN thinks he is gonna beat me for $430.00 he is sadly mistaken. If I do not see my parts of money you WILL be arrested FRANK PARVIN. It's called larceny FRANK PARVIN. That you can take to the bank along with my $430.00!
Apparently FRANK PARVIN hangs out with Red Armstrong. Does that jog anyones memory? From what I hear Both will be attending BG this year as well.
I believe he is fairly well known in the Ohio Buick community and think you will get your parts. He hangs out with the TSS guys at BG. I met him once a couple years ago at BG and spoke to him briefly. I had bought a car that had a nice built engine he helped out with, and think he is very knowledgeable with the Buicks and would believe he didn't email you back about the shipping as he may be a bit old school on the computer stuff and he honestly did not have a connection. I would guess he isn't constantly on a computer anyway. Just be a little patient. Just my opinion on first impression. He wouldn't have any reason to not send your parts.
I believe he is fairly well known in the Ohio Buick community and think you will get your parts. He hangs out with the TSS guys at BG. I met him once a couple years ago at BG and spoke to him briefly. I had bought a car that had a nice built engine he helped out with, and think he is very knowledgeable with the Buicks and would believe he didn't email you back about the shipping as he may be a bit old school on the computer stuff and he honestly did not have a connection. I would guess he isn't constantly on a computer anyway. Just be a little patient. Just my opinion on first impression. He wouldn't have any reason to not send your parts.

I have no problem being patient. What I have a problem with is having to contact HIM (10) days later to find out he never shipped the items. Otherwise he had no intensions of contacting me to let me know there was a problem. I am not a mind reader. And he has the balls to say I will get them out in a couple of

People just seize to amaze me.... I would not even dream of making a comment like that to someone who has ALREADY paid me almost (1.5) weeks earlier. Big F-en balls!

People have no problem taking ur money, then when they feel like it they might get around to shipping ur parts out at some point. That's fuken BS! U send me money I send ur parts out the next day with the tracking number emailed to you period!

As far as an internet connection there are plenty of family members, friends and work where an internet connection can be had.
personally i think we shouldn't allow any one that is new here or has under 100 post to sell any parts,i personally would prefer someone close to home to deal with
Even though I have had successful transactions with members that have low post counts, I agree completely with you. I got stiffed for almost $500 bucks from Eric A. in Chicago for a set of GN wheels here- PayPal was able to recover $2.97 for me.

To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement....


personally i think we shouldn't allow any one that is new here or has under 100 post to sell any parts,i personally would prefer someone close to home to deal with
Even though I have had successful transactions with members that have low post counts, I agree completely with you. I got stiffed for almost $500 bucks from Eric A. in Chicago for a set of GN wheels here- PayPal was able to recover $2.97 for me.

To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement....


Why only $2.97? Did u file within 30 days?
I filed it through PayPal on-time Brett, but he only had that dollar amount in his PP account at the time. Because our transaction wasn't through ebay, I was not covered 100% for the full amount .

I filed it through PayPal on-time Brett, but he only had that dollar amount in his PP account at the time. Because our transaction wasn't through ebay, I was not covered 100% for the full amount .


That's what I thought. Thanx.
I understand your frustration Brett. The fact that you had to contact him rather than him contacting you to make you aware of his situation is what would piss me off the most! I believe that with talking comes understanding, he should have just contacted you and explained the problem! I can't stand people like that!!!
People have no problem taking ur money, then when they feel like it they might get around to shipping ur parts out at some point. That's fuken BS! U send me money I send ur parts out the next day with the tracking number emailed to you period!

X 100000000!!! I like how they can take the time to advertise it and answer questions then after the $$$ appears they just slack off like "Ill get it out when I can" :mad:

I always send things right out as soon as the $$$ hits!! I have to!! Otherwise I would forget :p
I do think making people have 100 posts or something like that BUT I also blame the people that BUY from a new person. I am not sending anyone $50 with no posts and having a "can't believe the deal this guy is selling this for" :rolleyes:
Oh on "other" car sites they would already have this guys pic, a pic and location of where he lived, phone #s and so on :eek:

Ok enuff rambling .. hope it works out for ya..:cool:
I believe the Buick community should be above this type of treatment to each other. You got the money, ship it out. Nuff said.
I have frequented other boards that have good policies in place to avoid a potential kick in the jewels. 2.5 years of membership or 100 meaningful posts for selling stock parts and 250 for selling aftermarket performance parts. So if you can't contribute to the community in a meaningful way you will have your posts in the for sale section deleted and you will get a stiff fore arm in the chops so to speak with a mark taken off of you. If you lose a certain number of marks then your banned. Too many people in here have helped build this board, and should be protected from someone outside looking to off parts and make a buck. Some people couldn't care less if there name is dragged in the mud so long as they have your coin. Lets get some RULES IN HERE!!!! I have seen more people get ripped off then back in the day. Tough times:confused: calls for tough measures IMO.
I hope it works out for you Brett, sorry to hear.
Some people couldn't care less if there name is dragged in the mud so long as they have your coin.

Aint that the truth:rolleyes:.

I agree, there should be some measures taken. I think what u suggested seems fair. It's done on other boards so I don't see why it could not be implimented here. Never been burned by a TB member till now.

For the record, still no parts, refund or communication from this deadbeat.

When we make a verbal agreement and money has exchanged from my wallet to yours there is now a commitment on your part to deliver.

When my car is on jacks and I need that part to reassemble it... I need that damn part ASAP

I dont want to hear

1. your house flooded
2. your wife left you and your now residing at the gator motel and cant get into your garage.
3. your dog ate the box or the part or buried it in the yard.
4. you got called out of town and couldnt even call me to let me know because you were out of minutes, phone died, forgot to pay the bill or dropped it in a puddle of mud.
5. you got the money but had some outstanding bills and now your short on funds to ship.

Anyone else to add 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10?

I feel like a know Frank pretty well. There must be something else going on on his end. Hopefully he is OK and gets back with you soon. Best of luck.
Being on the board along time does not make them honest.
I had a guy steal 30.00 from me & he post everyday.
I also have sent 2 people free stuff and just pay for shipping. Never heard from them again.
But it's not just this board, I just got ripped off from a fishing board and that guy is on there every day.
I have bought alot of stuff off the boards and have had many good transactions but the bad ones sure leave a bad taste.
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