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Defeat Speed Cameras!!


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Jun 22, 2001
Hey guys, I just found this. Looks like you can spray this stuff on your plate and stop speed cameras. Even if you don't want it for that reason, you show car people could use it so that your plates aren't circulating the net in pictures. I'm sure someone here has experience with this product, or one like it. They seem pretty credible( watch the vids in the link below)

I love it.

** DISCLAIMER ** I'm not advocating anyone to blatenly break the law.

With that said. WHOA, I love it!! They said it is $30 a can. I wonder if this is sold in finer stores everywhere? Better stock up now because who knows how long before the lawmakers put the ban on this. But then again, if you were smart enough, and bold (or stupid) enough you could whip up your own strange brew and have your tags just as SHINY.

After all... we all have shiny, glossy cars, why not our tags?? :)
Wyoming recently went to a flat plate. No raised letters or numbers. The raised plates are a big thing now for some reason, so I suppose if an officer asks why why plates have more gleam I can tell him I want to protect my raised letter plates. Then again, it's rare we have these problems in Wyo. In fact, I think Laramie only has one of these cameras.
Yah, I watched a few of the videos. The one from my local (when I'm in the US) news said that Baltimore has the most red-light cameras of any major city. GREAT!! Just the more reason.

Maryland has the rasied letters.
How about a spray highgloss clearcoat? would do the same thing as long as it is highly reflective.

I was thinking something along the same line. Perhaps something a little better then gloss though. Possible that gloss wouldn't fully cut it. I'm wondering if there is some fleck of metal in there or something to really bring out the sheen.

My neighbors are gonna wonder why I'm painting my plates then taking pictures with my digital camera while standing on a ladder. :)
I almost think that the spray isn't really a gloss, but has something extra to make it super reflective?
Great stuff. I guess this now proves that everyone I see with a plastic cover over their rear plate deserves a ticket.... Oh, almost forgot Michigan doesn't have traffic cameras. Eh, who for everyone! :D
I think I may take my Tax refund and buy like 300 cases of the spray,at midnight go to all the condo/apartment complexes and start spraying,,,really fu@k with them oinkers,,may even spray the patrol cars,,,,,:eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ok seriously in the pic (before/after) of the car that was sprayed with the Phantom spray,,,why does it look like the pic was Photoshopped ,,the plate looks like it has a white box covering it,,,if the spray work why have to photoshop it ,,should just come out blurry from the camera:p :p

edit under 10min:::

Look here
It does look a little fishy picture wise, but they do have some pretty good independent tests. I have a roomate that loves this kind of stuff, so I will probably be doing some tests of my own.
If you really want to effect things, then have everyone get together and not speed or run redlights, and the cameras will disappear. They're only there to make money, when they don't make money, they'll disappear.
A local news station did a whole bunch of tests of different cop laser equipment and that spray didnt fool any of em.
Here's an idea. Just take your license plate off completely. Give the state the big middle finger along with every cop you see. Take a stand on an issue and tell the state to f**k off.

Don't get pushed around by those pu**ies, do what you want - when you want!
Originally posted by Rogue Leader
A local news station did a whole bunch of tests of different cop laser equipment and that spray didnt fool any of em.

When you say didn't fool any of them, are you referring to them not being 'detected' by laser or not getting a picture taken of them?

This product prevents a clear picture being taken. The speed by radar or laser can still clearly get a reading no problem. Useless though if they can't read the license plate to send you the ticket.

Here in Germany we have both the cameras for red light cameras and for speeding. As a matter of fact, when it comes to speeding, most of the enforcement is done by these cameras. Naturally everyone knows where the cameras that are mounted are located. But you still have to worry about the mobile ones mounted in the back of ordinary cars.

I've seens very good examples where the permanent speeding cameras really do help with safety and aren't there just to make money. For example, before some busy or dangerous intersections the speed limit is reduced or is already set at a low level. With these speeding cameras shortly before the intersection, everyone slows down and goes thru the intersection with caution and at a safe speed. EVERYBODY knows it's there as it's not hidden at all. But once you've slowed down for this camera, you'd have to be a turbo Buick to accelerate back up to a dangerous speed by the time you get to the actual intersection itself. Of course, there's no real point of doing that.

But in England, for example, the police have actually started removing some of the speeding cameras because they are only ticketing "soccer mums" that are on their way home.

I highly doubt America is going to 'reduce' these pesky cameras any time soon. In tests, it's actually been proven in some cases to increase the number of collisions at an intersections. Not head-on but rear end collisions.

So with ALL that being said on my high horse, I have to say I don't mind using this spray to 'avoid' getting a ticket. Yes, if I'm blatently over the limit, give me my ticket, but if I'm a few over, or missed the red light by .3 seconds, please go make your revenue ELSEWHERE!!
I saw a show on TV that tested the spray and the license plate cover. Both were still seen as they passed a remote camera at a red light. Both failed every time they did it, no matter how much stuff was sprayed on it. Buyer beware, seems like snake oil.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
[Don't get pushed around by those pu**ies, do what you want - when you want! [/B]

You mean like the cops do? All my cops buddies break the law more the the crooks they lock up.

Remember the police are the worlds largest gang. Don't F with them.

I respect the good cops. My grandfather was chief of police. I grew up wanting to be a poilice officer. My all time favorite TV show is Adam-12. Too many good cops get lumped in with the bad apples. Obey the law and you won't have to hide your plate.
This goes for the police too.
Originally posted by musclecar neal
You mean like the cops do? All my cops buddies break the law more the the crooks they lock up.

Remember the police are the worlds largest gang. Don't F with them.

I respect the good cops. My grandfather was chief of police. I grew up wanting to be a poilice officer. My all time favorite TV show is Adam-12. Too many good cops get lumped in with the bad apples. Obey the law and you won't have to hide your plate.
This goes for the police too.

Exactly. My mom worked for the police for a few years. Biggest bunch of criminals ever.

Every once in awhile it works to my advantage though. "Say I give you my licence with this $100 bill stuck to it, and you give it back and mysteriously the $100 bill disappears?" Sadly enough, it works.

I saw a thing on "trucks" the other day. A motorized plate bracket, that flipped up so lowered trucks won't scrape their plates when they drop the bags. I should just put one on my car and leave it flipped up, and when I get pulled over, act stupid.
Sam,I have been thinking about that for a few years,,but since I dont own a black car ,the clowns have been good to me ...

IT's the color....;)
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Here's an idea. Just take your license plate off completely. Give the state the big middle finger along with every cop you see. Take a stand on an issue and tell the state to f**k off.

Don't get pushed around by those pu**ies, do what you want - when you want!


Quote of the week, beyond a doubt. Especially coming from a man in uniform.
Originally posted by gn85
When you say didn't fool any of them, are you referring to them not being 'detected' by laser or not getting a picture taken of them?

This product prevents a clear picture being taken. The speed by radar or laser can still clearly get a reading no problem. Useless though if they can't read the license plate to send you the ticket.

It did neither of its advertised claims of "diffusing laser" (a lot of the plate covers say that) and the plates were still readable every time.... in fact with one of the sprays it was even easier to read with it on!!!